The naysayers keep getting trampled


molṑn labé
Staff member
You piss & moan about setbacks but Bush's tactics are working

SEOUL, South Korea — In a startling diplomatic breakthrough, a U.S. delegation will visit North Korea's main nuclear facility at Yongbyon next week, a South Korean official said Friday.

"The report is true," said the unnamed official at the South Korean Foreign Ministry. "The U.S. side has informed us of the trip."

The visit, first reported in USA Today's Friday edition, would be the first by outsiders to Yongbyon since North Korea kicked out U.N. nuclear inspectors in late 2002.

Washington had approved the trip, USA Today reported, and it had been scheduled for Jan. 6-10.

The Bush Whitehouse had refused to let a congressional delegation led by Sen. Curt Weldon, R-Pa. to visit just two months earlier,so why now is their letting a delegation go , seen as "Bush's tactics "working?In fact its President Kim Jong Il who seems to have one this one,if hes proven to have Nukes/capabilities then his bargaining position is increased along with his Stature within his country.

This is a better read IMO
AB said:
seen as "Bush's tactics "working?

Libya-no mo' wmds
SA, Syria-kissing American ass
Iran-reluctantly playing the game
NK-see story above
Taliban-outta power
al qieda-on teh run
Terrorism in general-disorganized (deadly still however)
A.B.Normal said:
so why now is their letting a delegation go , seen as "Bush's tactics "working?

me from another thread said:
It's called "propaganda" and a large part of the population will buy into it for one reason or another.