The new Congress is taxing...

Well then, fire him.

As you wish.

Without it, I wouldn't have my job today, but that's just me. I had to access it because (being as I work for a State gov't department) I was unable to qualify for their protection because I kept having to use my sick leave to...stay alive maybe? As a result, I came up 2 hours short of the required leave balance to enroll in the sick leave bank. You may only enroll once per year, and if I could have waited two days for the next paycheck, I would have had those 2 hours to spare. So instead of up to 1500 paid time off hours available, I got to use pay, but at least my job position was saved until I could recuperate and come back to work. How peachy, huh? I go to work dozens of days when I had no business being out of bed, trying to hoard those hours so I could use this benefit for my pending surgery. And despite all that pain, all that effort, all that suffering, I was 2 fuggin hours short because I had an unplanned pancreas attack and the accompanying 3 day hospital stay. No soup for you.

But I'm sure, given the exorberant salary you command, you have a full year's expenses saved up for just such emergency.


It's called walking a mile in someone else's moccasins. Try it sometime.
Just becaise it happens to me, or you, or someone else, doesn't change the fact that the gov't has no business telling a business how to operate its personel dept.