The ongoing fuss


Southern Discomfort
NASCAR catching hell over the Battle flag

Now, I was a lifelong NASCAR fan. My earliest memory in life is of sitting at a racetrack with cotton stuffed in my ears. I went 11 years without missing a single race at the local dirt track. I've attended numerous NASCAR races at various tracks, and had a room full of collectibles. I moderated at one NASCAR board and was a member at another.

Was being the key word.

When the de-Southernization of the sport began to outweigh the competitive draw, I stopped following. Cold turkey. Might watch one race a year now if nothing else is on. The final straw was the relocation of the Southern 500 from Darlington SC over Labor Day weekend, where and when it had been held for 53 years, to a track in California and the name changed.

I've seen Confederate Battle flags at races all my life. That isn't why I watched the race. It isn't why I stopped. Stupid stuff like this article, and the sport's chief bottle washer's pansy-assed butt kissing, is.

Personally, I could not possibly care less about another NASCAR event, what anyone else thinks of the sport or its fans, or anything else related to the sport. What irked me was the clammor over a display of the Confederate Battle flag....IN ALABAMA!! Damn people, go figure. It's Ala-freakin-bama. Their liscense plates say (or said until recently, haven't seen one in years) "Heart of Dixie".

Free speech still works one way I guess. At least for most of you. I continue to strenuously object and frankly don't give a Dixie damn who it pisses off. Last time I checked, there was still a pro sports team named the yankees. Until that gets changed to something less offensive to me, it can flow both ways. I still got my flag, and the day I get a house back it gets unfurled and properly displayed. I think I still have that right.

Deo vindice.
As long as it does not fly at equal or greater height to the Stars & Stripes, who gives a rats ass.
It's Ala-freakin-bama. Their liscense plates say (or said until recently, haven't seen one in years) "Heart of Dixie".

Not anymore. They have been politically corrected. They now say "Stars Fell On . . ." right above "Alabama", which is a reference to a Jimmy Buffett song (about Alabama).
Well, sorry, SNP, but yer culture has just gotta go. Where we gonna put the Mexican flag and the North Korea flag and the "Diversity 500 Race" flag?
I say let people that want to put the Nazi flag on their car do so... as long as they're prepared to suffer any consequences that go along with it.
Ever seen anyone sport a Hitler mustache? I think that whole facial hair style just got ruined before it could go over big.