The Oscar goes to


molṑn labé
Staff member
The Day After Al Gore film.

Did Hollyweird forget the PMRC already? I bet Ice-T & Ozzy are happy about that.
Glad Helen Mirren won! (hardly a great suprise, but ...)

what happened to that music score blokey who'd been nominated 18 times and never yet won?

Did he win?
Glad Helen Mirren won! (hardly a great suprise, but ...)

what happened to that music score blokey who'd been nominated 18 times and never yet won?

Did he win?

Well, he didn't win the Oscar, but he did win the "most nominations WITHOUT a win" at 19.

you get the feeling, even if they made that a category next year, he still somehow wouldn't win.

poor fella :D
Funny I remember the narrator commenting something about 18 nominations, but I found no reference on the Oscar site. Randy Newmann who was nominated for Best Song in Cars had previously 16 nominations, but won once.
For score you get Santaolalla who won,
Thomas Newman for the 8th time(won for American Beauty, I'm almost sure, but the site doesn't mention that).
Phillip glass for the third time
And the other 2 (Pan's Labyrinth and The Queen are making their debut)
Ah, I got it. Kevin O'Connel it is. Nominated for Sound Mixing for the 19th time. This time for Apocalypto.