The OTC Buddy System


Southern Discomfort
I jusy got off the phone with Gonz. I can personally attest that he has made it this far into God's country with his yankee ass. Whether he makes it out again or not is still being discussed. :D

Time constraints prevented a meeting of the minds this trip. Maybe next time.

I have alerted the GAMBPS (Greater Appalachian Mountain Border Patrol Surveillence) to be on the lookout. That means cousin Billy Ray Jim Bob Joe Fred will have to let that sheep alone and git in th' truck an go aprowlin' fer flatlanders. If he got the radiator on the truck patched, that is.

C'mon, say it with me now..."Squeal like a pig, boy! Squeal! SQUEEEAAALLL!!!" [/Ned Beatty]

He's gotta start calling the day before gets here. I can rarely put it together with 2 hours notice, but I usually can with 24...
With the chaos of the post hurricane universe, I don't think he even knows where he is being dispatched on a day to day basis.
Yeah, he got snagged up in Knoxville, and with the time limits on hours allowed to drive, it put him up against a wall.

Like we wouldn'ta done that for him...

Ain't heard no sirens, he must be keeping his mouth shut.
I had them eating outta my hands & wearing Union Uniforms in no time.

I know where I'll be, usually within a couple of days, at least. I knew I'd be in SnPs neck o'the woods on Thursday. Unfortunately, whether I'll be there at 8am or noon or 5pm, that is the question. I was so far back (Chuckey TN) that the roads were only one lane wide.
Then you need to alert us. I can normally clear time if I know you're coming, but that gets awfully dicey when you call from I-285.
I'll be back this week...Johnson City, Chuckey & Kingsport. Mid afternoon, on the run. Since the last batch sold out, I'll be sure to bring more "Lincoln...Actions Speak Louder than Words" buttons :p
And whatever you do bring me some of that shit you're smokin.

If you know when you will be around holler at a redneck.