The Other Hsu Has Dropped


Well-Known Member
First, it was the Chicom funny money donations to her campaign by Norman Hsu:


Hillary adds Sandy Berger to her campaign as an advisor.

Sandy "Docs in Sox" Burgler. He who was convicted of stealing highly classified terrorism documents relating to the Clinton administration's inadequacies in dealing with terrorism from the National Archives in advance of the 9/11 Commission hearings in 2003, destroying them and lying to investigators about it.

Has this woman no shame? No moral compass?
She's a typical liberal. No ethics, no scruples, no long-term vision for how to accomplish her high minded ideas, no regard for anyone stepped on to get what she wants, no brain, no morals, no accountability, no real solution to anything. Nothing she does surprises me.

DISCLAIMER: The statements expressed in the above post, while 100% accurate, may not reflect the opinions of OTC, its moderators, or its more idiotic members. Under the provisions of the Freedom Act, opposing viewpoints may be expressed with equal space allotted. Nobody promises squat about equal validity, though. This being a free country and all, the reader is permitted to be as foolish as they wish, and thereby may feel free to swallow the Klinton manifesto hook, line and sinker. However, if you do...prepare to be fileted. It comes with the territory. Shalom.
Nope, no shame at all.
Politician=no shame at all. Why is anyone over the age of five ever surpised by it?

She's a typical liberal. No ethics, no scruples, no long-term vision for how to accomplish her high minded ideas, no regard for anyone stepped on to get what she wants, no brain, no morals, no accountability, no real solution to anything. Nothing she does surprises me.
...conservative, republican, democrat, whig, tory...

DISCLAIMER: The statements expressed in the above post, while 100% accurate, may not reflect the opinions of OTC, its moderators, or its more idiotic members. Under the provisions of the Freedom Act, opposing viewpoints may be expressed with equal space allotted. Nobody promises squat about equal validity, though. This being a free country and all, the reader is permitted to be as foolish as they wish, and thereby may feel free to swallow the Klinton manifesto hook, line and sinker. However, if you do...prepare to be fileted. It comes with the territory. Shalom.
Nice :thumbup:
them same shoes are on the other feet, too.

guiliani sure is a model of honesty, heh?

the only person i find remotely palatable is mitt romney. (yeah, you read that right.)
She's a typical liberal. No ethics, no scruples, no long-term vision for how to accomplish her high minded ideas, no regard for anyone stepped on to get what she wants, no brain, no morals, no accountability, no real solution to anything. Nothing she does surprises me.

Perfect example of a conservative. Nothing worthwhile to say so just bring the conversation down to random unsupported insults, generalizations, and rhetoric.

i don't care. george w is actually a nice guy. but he's an incompetent boob.

Couldn't agree more with you re GW. Mitt's a Mormon, whether or not he's competent. I don't care much about religion one way or the other except for this one (and scientology).

I hope it's just an opinion, but I don't think so.