The Pledge gets ultimate hearing


molṑn labé
Staff member
Let's settle this, once & for all.

Is the Pledge of Alligiance, the one the kids say in school, illegal? A doctor in Sacramento, California doesn't think it is. Dr. Michael Newdow is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to stop the practice or change the wording. Dr. Newdow says the words "under god" in the Pledge make it unconstitutioinal. He wants the "god" reference removed or the entire Pledge dropped from schools.

The Supreme Court has agreed to hear the case in March. Stay tuned.
I've posted this link before, but here it is again, for all those that believe "under God" belongs in the pledge:

I'm in favor of removing the phrase. I find it offensive and exclusionary to all those who do not believe in a god. Furthermore, I think the only reason it was added was because of the ridiculous "red scare" that was gripping this country in the 50s. Now that those 'godless communists' are no longer a threat, maybe we can go back to the previous version, hmm?
your too loveable to be a threat love :hug:

I think it can stay depending on who is saying it, but I dont think under God should ever have been put in there.