The re-emergence continues


molṑn labé
Staff member
Russian President Vladimir Putin is making an astonishing bid to grab a vast chunk of the Arctic - so he can tap its vast potential oil, gas and mineral wealth.

His scientists claim an underwater ridge near the North Pole is really part of Russia's continental shelf.

One newspaper printed a map of the "new addition", a triangle five times the size of Britain with twice as much oil as Saudi Arabia.

Daily Mail

Welcome back my friends,
to the show that never ends.
At least they will be shaking their finger at the world over money instead of some crackpot ideology. We can all relate to the cash grab. It has that certain 'leading up to WW1' flavor about it.
Ted Nield, of the Geological Society in London, branded Russia's claim nonsensical.

"The notion that geological structures can somehow dictate ownership is deeply peculiar," he said.

"Anyway, the Lomonosov Ridge is not part of a continental shelf - it is the point at which two ocean floor plates under the Arctic Ocean are spreading apart.

"It extends from Russia across to Canada, which means Canada could use the same argument and say the ridge is part of the Canadian shelf.

"If you take that to its logical conclusion, Canada could claim Russia and the whole of Eurasia as its own."

Yeah Baby.
Might makes right... and Canada isn't exactly populous or militarized enough to make a go of it against the big boys. Russia is what now?... the number 6 army in the world. That would make for an ugly uphill climb. The Russians would probably just nuke the polar cap for spite and make the sea levels jump 20 feet.
Well, it's your call, but if we're making land claims against Russia, one of the first actions would be to invalidate the Alaska purchase. After all, it wasn't theirs to sell, was it.

Still want to play?
Well, it's your call, but if we're making land claims against Russia, one of the first actions would be to invalidate the Alaska purchase. After all, it wasn't theirs to sell, was it.

Still want to play?

Since Canada is technically part of the US anyway, it kinda makes your point moot. We wouldn't even need the troops we have scattered around the ME to conquer your territory. :p
Oh, puleese. :rolleyes: We kicked your ass once, we'll do it again.

The instant all those moon eyed 18 year old soldiers cross the border and realize they're legal to drink, they'll drop arms and run for the nearest bar. Get hammered on good Canuck brew, get laid and defect to our side, having discovered the good life.
Oh, puleese. :rolleyes: We kicked your ass once, we'll do it again.

The US and Canada have never fought a war. The US and Great Britain have, but thats about it... :p

Prof said:
The instant all those moon eyed 18 year old soldiers cross the border and realize they're legal to drink, they'll drop arms and run for the nearest bar. Get hammered on good Canuck brew, get laid and defect to our side, having discovered the good life.

Which is why those 18YO's have non-coms like me.
The Canadians were already a separate force than the British even then.

Chief, I'll have a cold one set aside for you too, don't worry about it.
The Canadians were already a separate force than the British even then.

But command and control was in the hands of the Crown. Was until the 1970's I believe. Part of that 'Commonwealth' scheme. Canada was common, and GB got the wealth. :p

Prof said:
Chief, I'll have a cold one set aside for you too, don't worry about it.

Canadian beer ain't much better than Coors Light. My tastes run strictly German nowadays...which is why I don't drink beer. ;)
The orders came from the crown. The asskicking came from the GWN.

The 'canadian' beer you've tried ('cpecially the piss they ship south) is about the same as Fosters from Oz and Heineken from Amsterdam. Noone drinks that piss who knows anything about beer. Don't worry, I'll set you up right.
The orders came from the crown. The asskicking came from the GWN.

The 'canadian' beer you've tried ('cpecially the piss they ship south) is about the same as Fosters from Oz and Heineken from Amsterdam. Noone drinks that piss who knows anything about beer. Don't worry, I'll set you up right.

Psst...LaBatts Blue. Had it in Gander.
Yeah .... piss. Noone with two tastebuds drinks it.

As is most large-volume beer.

PS...the GWN had less than 50% of the soldiers involved in any war the US had with GB. In fact, the Native Americans, under Chief Tecumsah were a larger force.
Yeah .... piss. Noone with two tastebuds drinks it.

Yeah, don't care for LaBatt's much or Moosehead. Some of the Molsen varieties are decent but not Golden.

There's a store near me that regularly sells Molson Canadian for $8.99/12-pack which is a pretty good deal. I always guessed it wasn't called "Canadian" if you bought it in Canada though.

Do they ship any of the good US micro brews up north like Sierra Nevada, Fat Tire, Red Tail Ale, Pyramid, etc or just Annheiser crap?