the rest of the story...


New Member
Here's what happened with the rest of my week.

Wednesday was ok.

By Thursday night I had an eye infection. I get these every year or so. I had one refill left that I could call in on my prescription, but the prescription expired two months ago, so I needed to see my doctor first.

On Friday morning I call my doctor, but he doesn't have an appointment available till Monday (today). By then it's possible the infection may actually penetrate my eye. If this happens, it's likely I'll go blind, plus it's really painful, so I just can't wait till Monday.

I go to a walk in clinic. $230 later (I don't have health insurance) I have everything I need to get better.

I end up missing a day of work and because I work part time (the reason I don't have insurance) I don't have any sick time. So I'm out that money as well.

Saturday is my Aunt's wedding, which I'm supposed to photograph. I show up wearing an eye patch because my eye is still swollen and gross looking. It's also very sensitive to light and this was a bright outdoor wedding.

About 45 minutes before the wedding starts I realize I'm a complete and total moron because I've left all 16 rolls of film I bought at the house which would take at least 90 minutes to retrieve. I end up buying 6 rolls of film at a "convenience" store and paid more for them then I did for the original 16.

I get back with five minutes to spare. Thankfully I didn't run out of film, but I wish I had been able to shoot more freely. I thought it was a very lovely ceremony, and my aunt looked great in her dress.

It was really hot out, so after I was finished with the ceremony pictures I went into the house to change. This was when I realized that now I couldn't find my glasses. We looked from about 300 to 500 before my aunt found them behind a case of liquor. I left with a migraine.

Since then life has improved greatly. I have access to the internet and I'm drinking a Mike's Hard Cranberry Lemonade. Why? Because I'm when it comes to beer, I'm a pussy. Can't stand the stuff. Besides, I'm 71% gay and it's 5.2% alc/vol, we go well together.


I had to do a christening a week after I bought my 35mm. Old church, lots of stained glass. Pure hell to shoot.
Originally posted by
I thought it was a very lovely ceremony, and my aunt looked great in her dress.

Didn't she though?

(For the rest of you, this is the girl in the middle in that bottom picture to the left of 's head. She looks a little different now, though...)

We looked from about 3:00 to 5:00 before my aunt found them behind a case of liquor.

YOU FOUND THEM!!! :headbang: