The sacrifice...


Staff member
...the annual sacrifice of one tree for the Christmas pleasure of my family is now complete. It began yesterday with the hunt and capture and today and ceremonial dressing took place. Pictures to come when I've cleaned up the area around the tree (ornament boxes, needles, etc all over the place). Maybe even a short video since the twinkling lights can not be captured in a photo :)

How many of you participate in this ancient practice? Are you complete? Post those pics! Even if you've gone artificial we still wanna see pics! I'll get pic of our artificial one too when we get the train set up under it :)
There's no sacrifice. The gods planted these trees for us to use as a renewable source for heating, cooking, scenery & holidays. They, the trees, know their place in the grand scheme of things & are willing & voluntary participants.
Well, personally I go to the attic and blow the cobwebs and dust off of the container with the fiber-optic tree inside...
Ok, well, we all know I already have my tree up and posted a pic of it, but here it is again. Although someone else took care of the sacrifice and all I did was purchase it, it's one hell of a tree!
Gonz said:
There's no sacrifice. The gods planted these trees for us to use as a renewable source for heating, cooking, scenery & holidays. They, the trees, know their place in the grand scheme of things & are willing & voluntary participants.

Yes, they are willing participants. They CHOOSE to sacrifice themselves because they know it is their calling. It's like that Christmas cartoon with the one tree who is SAD because he never gets picked to be a Christmas tree.