The search for stewygrrr


New Member
Hm... he idssapeared... but then Raven replaced him, but he has dissapeared again...

Last Activity: Yesterday 02:40pm


No one else is posting much either. Mayhaps we should give him a couple of like, um, days at the very least before notifiying the next of kin that he's MIA? :D
nah, instead we'll round up a posse...and some beers...and go out and find him!!!

as long as he is like at a bar or something.
paul_valaru said:
nah, instead we'll round up a posse...and some beers...and go out and find him!!!

as long as he is like at a bar or something.


I'm there. You buyin'?
Camelyn said:

I'm there. You buyin'?

sure my search theaory is, we won't find him, but after a few we won't miss him, then he will get jealous and come in from the cold.

Hi stew!!
Camelyn said:
Yep, but it's a trap with peanuts, beer and scantily clad wimmen's. How hard you gonna fight to get out, Mirlyn? ;)
Not a trap for me, silly. A trap for Stew! :D

I already know I'm caught...;)
Camelyn said:
Yep, but it's a trap with peanuts, beer and scantily clad wimmen's. How hard you gonna fight to get out, Mirlyn? ;)

come one mir we'll uhmm, we'll search for WMD....yeah that's the ticket
Mirlyn said:
Not a trap for me, silly. A trap for Stew! :D

I already know I'm caught...;)

why would I have to trap stew when he is already buried in my backya.....

uhmm LOOK something shiny!
paul_valaru said:
come one mir we'll uhmm, we'll search for WMD....yeah that's the ticket

*honks the horn outside from your house/workplace*

You coming or not? :p
Mirlyn said:
*honks the horn outside from your house/workplace*

You coming or not? :p

Hey! Wait for me!

*straps port-a-keg to back, adjusts multi-purpose tool belt equipped with an array of salty snacks, and heads to the corner to wait for pick up*
Camelyn said:
Hey! Wait for me!

*straps port-a-keg to back, adjusts multi-purpose tool belt equipped with an array of salty snacks, and heads to the corner to wait for pick up*

*grabs camera...can't miss this sight...*