At least it's not another "reality" show...

"Watch as two misfit drug addicts named Corey try to outwit, outlast, and outobnoxious one another in the never ending quest for the Golden Crack Pipe..."
SouthernN'Proud said:
At least it's not another "reality" show...

Actually, that'd be OK if done properly. You run 'em through a grueling guantlet of physical obstacles, sorta like Circus of the Washed Up Has-beens. The winner is executed quickly, via his choice of shooting, hanging, or explosion.

The loser dies much more slowly, via a method chosen by the audience through call-ins.....
Gonz said:
I wonder if Jennas great tits are now sacred cows to the most High L Ron?
You mean Elron?
HomeLAN said:
Actually, that'd be OK if done properly. You run 'em through a grueling guantlet of physical obstacles, sorta like Circus of the Washed Up Has-beens. The winner is executed quickly, via his choice of shooting, hanging, or explosion.

The loser dies much more slowly, via a method chosen by the audience through call-ins.....
I like the way you think.