The strangest thing just happend


New Member
I downloaded a Microsoft collective service pack 6 addendum as well as 5 other technical backdoor hijack weaknesses... did a restart... and everything was ok.

That freaked me out. Every little patch I've ever overlaid from them has caused some sort of goof. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Since MS has patch most of the hole, 2k/xp are both slower than most
web browsers in linux now. That use to be a drawback to linux for me, but not anymore.
It's sad when 98 w/IE5 blows them all away. Just doesn't have the security though.
Yep the latest seven files from the company
started by the Richest Man on Earth worked
flawlessly on three of me 'puters last night.
But then all of the previous fixin's did as well.
Found it.

My email popped a cerebral vessel and is now twitching and writhing on the floor.

I guess thats one way to protect Outlook Express for hijacks... break it.
unclehobart said:
Found it.

My email popped a cerebral vessel and is now twitching and writhing on the floor.

I guess thats one way to protect Outlook Express for hijacks... break it.
100% effective.. :thumbup:
well since I paid the same amount for this OS
as I would pay for a download of Linsucks

(the price of a blank CD to burn the ISO?)

And this OS works flawlessly, year after year.

I'd say I'm getting my money's worth!
Lo and behold.. Lazarus deEmail has risen! Hallelujah!

I didn't do anything to fix it. It just 'decided' to work again.

Thank you Suq DeMicro for having a PMS product deMonopoly.
My cousin just got a jog in IT and the comps are running MS Data Server. :alienhuh:
Man that must be a headache.