The time has come


Southern Discomfort
Time to clean up college football, as well as other college sports.

We are so engrossed with Michael Vick killing dogs for sport that we forget sometimes what sports are supposed to be. They are designed to be entertainment. They have become profitable empires, and I have no problem with that...on the professional level. I likewise understand and accept that college sports need to turn a profit to assist other areas of the university. Again, no problem with me.

Here is my problem.

Too many, damn near all, colleges have sunk to the level of transparency. If some guy can carry a football, let him in. Let him in even if he can't spell his own name, can't add single digit numbers, or otherwise has no business being on a college campus. I dare say that 80% or more of these guys would never think of being on a college campus if they didn't possess some modicum of athletic prowess. And that's sad. Many deserving scholars can't get in because some lunk whose only notable ability is to dunk a basketball or throw a football has their seat.

College sports should be about which university has the better athletes amid its students, not who can go find the best soon-to-be professional and provide them a couple of years of minor league experience for free.

And to back up my claim that the time has come, allow me to post links to ONE DAY'S worth of headlines from ESPN's college football section:

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

Link 4

Link 5

Link 6

Link 7

Link 8

Link 9

One day. One sport. One site.

Clean up the colleges already. If some thug wants to play pro ball, let him play as soon as he turns 18. We don't need this stuff on our campuses. Some people go there to learn and to better themselves.
I've fairly well lost interest in sports. Living in a minor league town far from my long time faves doesn't help but just the inane idiocy from these trained monkeys has left a bitter taste.
COLUMBIA, S.C. -- South Carolina coach Steve Spurrier stood by troubled safety Emanuel Cook on Friday, saying his arrest on a gun charge -- which resulted in his suspension from the school, making him ineligible to play for the Gamecocks -- was a case of being "at the wrong place at the wrong time."

Well, shoot (get it?)... he was just trying to hold up his end of the bargain for the Ol' Ballcoach's "Fun 'n' Gun" offense! (Yes, I saw he plays/played defense... play along with me here.)
Well, shoot (get it?)... he was just trying to hold up his end of the bargain for the Ol' Ballcoach's "Fun 'n' Gun" offense! (Yes, I saw he plays/played defense... play along with me here.)

* one lonely star on markjs's funny-o-meter (but a sincere effort will get you that even if it fails).
Appalachian State beat Michigan yesterday 34-32. Wow. :lloyd: Carr will never ever live that one down, the #5 team (though highly overrated) losing to a 1AA team, just wow. They owe a bit of gratitude to Buchholz for taking some headline space away from them yesterday with his no-no.
In all honesty, Appalachian State is about the best I-AA team in the land and is probably on par with, say, Kentucky or Purdue. Classification has a lot to do with the embarrassment factor, but the No. 5 team in the land certainly has no business losing to them.