The times they are a changing ...


Well-Known Member
Last night, my daughter was reading a book to my 2 year-old nieces ... she was reading "The Three Little Pigs" .. mind you, we've read that story a million times before and I guess my daughter had been confused all these years ...

As she's reading, she's looking at the pictures .. she keeps looking at the pics until she's done with the story then she asks me "hey - where's the straw house?" I point to the straw house picture and she looked even more confused "what kind of straw is that?" I said it's like really big pili grass (the grass the ancients used to make their houses here) and she laughed and said "I thought they were talking about straws .. you know, like McDonald's straws"

whups :D

we are using straw in houses again here. some eco architects are promoting it for it's high insulation qualities and when treated it it fine against fire. not against huffs or puffs though ;)
halamikage said:
Heehee, children are so cute sometimes. I can almost see Ka'ehu's look of confusion on her face. :lol:

shouldn't be too hard .. it's her regular "look" :D
I would have expected something like that from my ex-wife....
Corn on the cob and two vegetables, anyone? :D