The truth, finally


molṑn labé
Staff member
"The absolute cynical manipulation, deliberately cynical manipulation, to shape American public opinion and 69 percent of the people, at that time, it worked, they said 'we want to go to war,'" Rockefeller told CBS News correspondent Sharyl Attkisson. "Including me. The difference is after I began to learn about some of that intelligence I went down to the Senate floor and I said 'my vote was wrong.'"

Rockefeller went a step further. He says the world would be better off today if the United States had never invaded Iraq — even if it means Saddam Hussein would still be running Iraq.

He said he sees that as a better scenario, and a safer scenario, "because it is called the 'war on terror.'"

Does Rockefeller stands by his view, even if it means that Saddam Hussein could still be in power if the United States didn't invade?

"Yes. [Saddam] wasn't going to attack us. He would've been isolated there," Rockefeller said. "He would have been in control of that country but we wouldn't have depleted our resources preventing us from prosecuting a war on terror which is what this is all about."

So, Senator, who was that shooting at coalition planes for 12 years? Who was that paying Palestinians to blow themselves up? Who was that, hosting a terrorism training park called Salman Pak? Who was it that had rape room & torture chambers (well beyond nekkid pyramids & ugly chicks laughing at your pecker)? Who gasses their & wome & children, without remorse? Say Senator, have you ever seen an Iraqi vote? In a real election? Who made that possible you stupid motherfucker?

War on Terror includes terror sponsoring states. That would include Iraq.

The truth, finally
"The absolute cynical manipulation, deliberately cynical manipulation, to shape American public opinion and 69 percent of the people, at that time, it worked, they said 'we want to go to war,'" Rockefeller told CBS News correspondent Sharyl Attkisson. "Including me. The difference is after I began to learn about some of that intelligence I went down to the Senate floor and I said 'my vote was wrong.'"
The absolute cynical manipulation, deliberately cynical manipulation, to shape American public opinion

Manipulation that goes back over a decade. Damn, that GW is good.
Manipulation that goes back over a decade. Damn, that GW is good.

Yes, it does. GW is just the storefront. The president's function is not to wield power but to draw attention away from the people who do. Bush isn't as good at it as Clinton was, but he ain't bad.

Luis, Chomsky is a part of the same machine, albeit part of the opposition.
So, Senator, who was that shooting at coalition planes for 12 years?

gee, that was a HUUUGE threat.... :rofl:

Who was that paying Palestinians to blow themselves up?

him and everybody else over there. maybe we should invade the whole region. that would be cheap. :rolleyes:

Who was that, hosting a terrorism training park called Salman Pak?

that was people operating outside of saddam's control, under the cover of our no fly zone. ansar al-islam was NEVER even remotely hooked up with saddam, and that's very well known. maybe we should hold saddam responsible for murders in peoria, illinois, too, since he has no influence there, either.

Who was it that had rape room & torture chambers (well beyond nekkid pyramids & ugly chicks laughing at your pecker)? Who gasses their & wome & children, without remorse?

what's new? we have a long history of supporting random assholes so long as they were not commies, or more recently, when we supported saddam because he antagonized iran... oopsie.

Say Senator, have you ever seen an Iraqi vote? In a real election? Who made that possible you stupid motherfucker?

yay! we fixed up iraq so they could vote for shi'a extremists! yay team!

but please, gonz, keep strugging to rationalize what we've done over there. you'll need practice. so some day you can explain to your kids why there's so little economic opportunity for them, and how it was somehow all worth it.
that was people operating outside of saddam's control,

Can't be terrorists in Iraq can there?

gee, that was a HUUUGE threat....

So, when is it okay to blow people who fire at you out of the water Mr Clinton?

we supported saddam because he antagonized iran

Keeping the balance of power in check beats a strong, unopposed Iran, Mr Carter.

vote for shi'a extremists

A bad choice is still a choice. They had none under saddam.

some day you can explain to your kids why there's so little economic opportunity for them, and how it was somehow all worth it.

Opportunity is going nowhere for those preparing for the future.
What a fun election this is turning out to be, The dems are so overzealous in beating the one man they hate that they forgot he isn't running. In the process, they are admitting what many of us have accused them of for years.

THE FIFTH ANNIVERSARY of the Sept. 11 attacks is a day of remembrance and special sadness for the nation, and all those who knew any of the 2,973 victims. Yet in the long run, the reaction of the Bush administration may prove more harmful to the national interest than even these horrific attacks.

Boston Globe editorial so full of holes I could drive my truck through it.

However, it is good to see the left finally letting the cat out of the bag.
the reaction of the Bush administration may prove more harmful to the national interest than even these horrific attacks.

Let's see, he's caused more than ten times the civilian deaths and just about the same number of US citizens.