The U.S. National Debt Clock

Liability per citizen


Thats' more than my houses & all our cars.

Can I get a loan?
This is a better site:

You get to see how the debt grew over the years by doing a search for specific dates.
Feb 1, 1993 - Jan 31, 2001:
from $ 4,176,491,860,224.29 to $ 5,740,291,126,546.45
an overall gain of $ 1,563,799,266,322.16 after these 8 years have passed.

You can actually see it go down over time and then slide back up if you view it as a daily trend. It's fascinating.

... more...

Feb 1, 2001 - January 31, 2009:
from $ 5,703,346,472,448.65 to $ 10,632,005,246,736.97
an overall gain of $ 4,928,658,774,288.32

January 20, 2009 - today:
from $ 10,632,005,246,736.97 to $ 12,880,364,008,405.96
an overall gain of $ 2,248,358,761,668.99
Feb 1, 1993 - Jan 31, 2001:
from $ 4,176,491,860,224.29 to $ 5,740,291,126,546.45
an overall gain of $ 1,563,799,266,322.16 after these 8 years have passed.

Should we mention those are mostly the years of the Contract with America

while these
12/30/2005 8,170,424,541,313.62
04/27/2010 12,886,315,749,582.96
are the Democrat return to power?
what's really funny is when y'all try to blame democrats alone for outrageous debt. both parties are quite gifted at debt spending. bush set a new record for debt as a percentage of GDP. or was that reagan? either way, both of 'em topped the charts.
The U.S. devalues its currency.

You are absolutely right and at a certain point
I suppose it really doesn’t matter anymore.
U.S. National Debt spinning wildly out of control

Where do I sign up for my Obammie dollars?