The UN folds


molṑn labé
Staff member
Resolution said:
Determining that the situation in Iraq, although improved, continues to constitute a threat to international peace and security,

FoxNews text of the Security Council draft
Since they consider the situation improved with "the decision of the Governing Council of Iraq to form a preparatory constitutional committee" you call that the UN folding?

The heading should be "Bush folds" for the way he's had to crawl back to the UN.
i did find that a bit hypocrital - you didn't agree with what we did, we ignored you and said we didn't need you but now its your responsibility to give us some money and troops.

i think he'll need a better sales pitch than that
ris said:
i did find that a bit hypocrital - you didn't agree with what we did, we ignored you and said we didn't need you but now its your responsibility to give us some money and troops.

i think he'll need a better sales pitch than that

Why? It's working. He's after exactlly what he UN is good at, policing & giving away gobs of cash. Then our military can do what they do best, hunt, find & disable the enemy.

OK flavio, for your limited understanding I'll interpret:

Determining that the situation in Iraq, although improved, continues

Determing that the situation...improved that means it's better than it was under saddam, continues to be...

that means it was a threat to world security before we kicked ass.

Together it means, since Iraq(bad) was a threat but the UN(neutral/bad) didn't have the nerve to do something, the United States(good), Poland(good), Britain(good) & a couple smaller countries(good), went in & took a dangerous regime(bad) & made them non-existant(good). Their friends(bad) remain a threat(bad) though lesser than before(good) we went in & kicked ass(good). Now the UN(neutral/bad) is going to send policemen(good) & money(good) to assist(good) the United States.(good)
Ok Gonz (neutral) you're getting as bad as me (good but sounding bad) in the gun threads (bad) at making points(over the top).... :D
It does encourage the United Nations to "strengthen" its role in Iraq, specifically in humanitarian assistance, building democratic institutions and training police and judges.
It also would make all troops in Iraq part of a single U.N.-authorized multinational force under American command.

With that I won't bitch too much.

Washington Times