The Warning: Frontline, October 20, 2009

why not hike your pants up uncomfortably high, and twirl around arms outstretched singing mair ze doats an octave up?
I note that the thread went straight into ad homs and insults rather than address the fact that the financial collapse rests directly on the shoulders of the Clinton Administration.

The derivatives market is what caused the 1994 bankruptcy of Orange County California when I was there. I went to a speaking engagement which featured a guy who was running for county treasurer. He stated that when Citron invested in derivatives he went all in and he predicted that they would collapse when interest rates increased. He stated flat out that the county was in so deep that even if he were to be elected he could not save it from bankruptcy. When the shit fell, they got rid of Citron and it took some real doing to get the county back on track.

This should have been a clarion call for the future but no one listened; and when 1998 came four years later no one listened; and when 2008 came no one was prepared for the result.

A good read on the OC bankruptcy, the aftermath, and why it can happen again across America is HERE.

Sleep well.
Not to worry Jim, the coming bankruptcy of the United States Federal government
will be effortlessly averted by monetizing the debt through socializing the country’s assets.

Which is precisely what the Osama administration is banking on!

I believe it used to be referred to as nationalizing?
Rest assured, they will come up with a more PC term to describe it
and that will make it alright, uptight and outta sight!

Not sure how the ChiComs are gonna like it.
I guess its fook ‘em if they can’t take a joke.

Perhaps they can make it up selling us wheel barrows
so we can cart our Zimbabwe dollars around?
I note that the thread went straight into ad homs and insults rather than [ideo-spew deleted for the sake of the kiddies]

no it didn't. i/we were just goofing around. lighten up dude. the fate of western civilization is not at stake in this thread.
partly at least, it seemed
I guess some of it was serious though, by some:shrug:

it made for a good anarchy test tube though
no it didn't. i/we were just goofing around.


Arrrgh! Now I've got that song running through my head!

Mairzy doats and dozy doats and liddle lamzy divey
A kiddley divey too, wouldn't you?
Mairzy doats and dozy doats and liddle lamzy divey
A kiddley divey too, wouldn't you?