The witch hunt continues


Southern Discomfort
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Y'all (people in general) just can't let it alone, can you? Well then, guess that leaves it up to me to keep mouthing off about it too. Sauce for the goose and all that...Maybe, juuuuuuuust maybe, someone somewhere will come to the realization that the story has two sides.

Enjoy. Gonz, better don your asbestos body armor.

A columnist for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review says a man in Pennsylvania has no right to fly a Confederate flag in the back window of his private vehicle because it is an “an in-your-face expression of support for a white supremacist regime.”

Columnist Mike Seate says the construction worker’s display is “a cowardly way of intimidating blacks, a means of saying ‘You were better off as slaves.’"

Seate admits that employers have no legal authority over how employees choose to decorate their personal vehicles, but clearly hopes that by browbeating the company with his column, Acorn Hill Contracting, he can intimidate the man into removing the display.


A small town in Florida is re-examinging its city logo because the two Confederate soldiers and the Confederate flag they are holding on it is not “inclusive of all the citizens” in town, reports Hernando Today.

A city councilman in the town of Brooksville north of Tampa, Frankie Burnett, says the logo is racist because of the tiny flag in the center.

The logo shows an American flag on one side and the state flag of Florida on the other. At the top of the logo is an eagle and at the bottom are two busts of Hernando Desoto and a Seminole Indian. In the middle are renderings of the county courthouse, a map of the state of Florida and two soldiers carrying the battle flag. (Sorry, my work puter will not allow me to download the image of the city seal of Brooksville, Florida.)


A Georgia school district’s plans to name a school in honor of a 19th-century governor are under attack because the man has been described as a secessionist, reports the Associated Press.

The school board in Cherokee County wants to name the high school after Gov. Joseph Brown, who in addition to being governor of the state before the Civil War was a U.S. Senator and chief justice of the state supreme court. Brown was a teacher in the county at one point in his life.

But some parents say naming the school after him would be racist because of his views on slavery.


Pop star Michael Jackson’s parents tell CBS News that the charges against their son amount to a racially motivated witch hunt that could only happen in America, reports The Age.

"This is just the United States. All the rest of the countries, all over the world, are proud of Michael. It's here we have the most trouble out of them. It is racism," Michael's father Joe Jackson reportedly tells 48 Hours.


[SnP pondering laboriously] Wonder what would happen if a large group of American citizens banded together and collectively initiated a campaign of misrepresentation, slander, prejudice, racial profiling, and downright harassment against one segment of its population? Oh yeah, that's right...they already have. [/ laborious pondering]
Pop star Michael Jackson’s parents tell CBS News that the charges against their son amount to a racially motivated witch hunt that could only happen in America, reports The Age.

What race do you suppose he belongs to now? Not the human one, I can tell you that. :D
That's real fucking nice. They let him sleep with their kids, get them drunk, and now they're racists for wanting paid? Typical.
Pop star Michael Jackson’s parents tell CBS News that the charges against their son amount to a racially motivated witch hunt that could only happen in America, reports The Age.

"This is just the United States. All the rest of the countries, all over the world, are proud of Michael. It's here we have the most trouble out of them. It is racism," Michael's father Joe Jackson reportedly tells 48 Hours.
Uh, yeah. Right. :alienhuh:
Yup. It's all because he's black. The fact that a bunch of 12 YO's say he stuck his johnson into them has nothing to do with it, no sir.....
I hate smoking. Some like to call me fanatic. But this: "(...) which introduced a policy banning its staff from smoking - even away from the workplace." is seriously fucked up..
someone somewhere will come to the realization that the story has two sides.

I tend to say 3 sides. yours, mine and the truth which is between the 2.

I tend to not be a fan of the Stars and Bars but I think it is a form of heritage. Particularly American since it was used by the South during and jsut before the Civial War. Problem is that it gets affiliated with racism

the MJ thing I think could only happen here in America but I tend to think that it might also happen elsewhere. He is rich so people can try to get money off him but on that same notion I think there is more reason to his being accused too
columnist for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review says
He's a columnist. Who cares what he says.

small town in Florida
A government body, not a citizen. I agree with changing it.

because the man has been described as a secessionist

Either he is or he isn't. Which is it?

could only happen in America

I believe the Jacksons may be right. In many EU countries he'd be celebrated as a hero & in most rational places he'd have already been shot.
columnist for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review says a man in Pennsylvania has no right to fly a Confederate flag in the back window of his private vehicle because it is an “an in-your-face expression of support for a white supremacist regime.”

Columnist Mike Seate says the construction worker’s display is “a cowardly way of intimidating blacks, a means of saying ‘You were better off as slaves.’"

Seate admits that employers have no legal authority over how employees choose to decorate their personal vehicles, but clearly hopes that by browbeating the company with his column, Acorn Hill Contracting, he can intimidate the man into removing the display.

Being from PA originally, and that area in particular, I can say, with almost 100% accuracy, that the yahoo that was flying that flag was never from farther South than Breezewood. I can also say that he probably doesn't even have ancestors from outside Pennsylvania. He's what I call a 'wannabe'. However...even if he does use that flag for 'intimidation purposes', it's his right to display it on his private property. Look no further than my sig to see my view on it. ;)
Gonz said:
Either he is or he isn't. Which is it?

Why does that matter? Many honorable people backed secession. On that one issue alone, his legacy is shot to hell? C'mon, Gonz, that ain't like you. You know better than that.

Using that logic, would then any person opposed to secession be worthy of praise?
Gato_Solo said:
Being from PA originally, and that area in particular, I can say, with almost 100% accuracy, that the yahoo that was flying that flag was never from farther South than Breezewood. I can also say that he probably doesn't even have ancestors from outside Pennsylvania. He's what I call a 'wannabe'. However...even if he does use that flag for 'intimidation purposes', it's his right to display it on his private property. Look no further than my sig to see my view on it. ;)

I see lots of people today wearing West Coast Chopper and O.C.C. gear who've never even seen one of their bikes up close. Could it be that perhaps he just has it because he's a sheep who thinks it looks cool? Remember the General Lee from the Dukes? I saw (and still see) lots of people up here with that flag as a front license plate.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Why does that matter? Many honorable people backed secession. On that one issue alone, his legacy is shot to hell? C'mon, Gonz, that ain't like you. You know better than that.

Doesn't matter if he backed it ort not. It matters, for public record, whether or not he is & if he participated.
Gonz said:
Doesn't matter if he backed it ort not. It matters, for public record, whether or not he is & if he participated.

What he IS, is dead. So his legacy is only as a secessionist; the other noble accomplishments are null and void.

I never thought you'd go PC on me. For shame. There's a chair for you over there, on the left side of the room. I'm sure you'll make lots of interesting new friends quickly.

Gonz said:
He's a columnist. Who cares what he says.

We the citizens should, when...

Seate...clearly hopes that by browbeating the company with his column, Acorn Hill Contracting, he can intimidate the man into removing the display.

Sounds like a bully pulpit to me. Irresponsible journalism. I myself don't support media outlets participating in such practices. Maybe I'm alone.
Starya said:
So, what's a secessionist?

One who backed the US Confederacy's legal attempt to secede from the Union in the 1860s. Or even those who support the idea today.

Apparantly in some people's view it was OK for some states to unlawfully secede from being part of the British Empire, but not OK for other states to secede from the new union, including the original seceders.

I know, it gets confusing. I guess OK depends on where one lives more than anything. At least it seems to hinge on that alone. I dunno, you'd have to ask someone who believes that stuff.
Yeah you Johnny Rebs are the greatest threat
to the US today! Long live the Republic!
Winky said:
Yeah you Johnny Rebs are the greatest threat
to the US today! Long live the Republic!

Tell me about it. Can't even name a school after one of us it seems. Might inflict some bad thoughts in the little angels' heads.
Good Lord yes the the fambily values you'd instill
would put the Liberals out of a job.
No more preggers teenagers
No more welfare muthas
No more prison population

It would be the ruin of our fair nation!