There could never be punishment enough


molṑn labé
Staff member

Repeated rapes, brutalizing the husband/father, burning the victims alive, robbery, home invasion.

As a survivor, they'd have to put me in jail to keep me from killing these pieces if shit with my bare hands.
IMO there's got to be something change in the way judges get are seated.

There's too many of these guys getting out way too light, and the crimes
just seem to escalate until ultimate evil happens.

I just saw a story today about an empty jail. (didn't see the whole story)
Of coarse this kind of thing needs some of that swift justice.:thumbdn:
From the article:
Residents are lining up for gun safety classes so they can buy firearms, said Scott Hoffman,
owner of Hoffman's Gun Center in nearby Newington

In CT no less

ha Ha HAH!!!
IMO there's got to be something change in the way judges get are seated.

There's too many of these guys getting out way too light, and the crimes
just seem to escalate until ultimate evil happens.

I just saw a story today about an empty jail. (didn't see the whole story)
Of coarse this kind of thing needs some of that swift justice.:thumbdn:

Judges have zero to say about parole, cat. Not one syllable. They are not even notified when someone gets paroled.

The burglars, apparently entering through an unlocked door,

Speaks for itself.
And if I may add one more thing that's been on my mind a lot lately...

A lot of people bitch and whine about sex offenders. Me among them. I personally believe they should never be released from custody. But I don't write the laws.

So. We have someone screaming bloody murder about all these sex offenders out and about. Shouldn't be happening, they say. Oughta be something we can do about it, they say. Then they get in their mini-van, COMPLETE WITH THEIR "MY DAUGHTER IS AN HONOR STUDENT AT NUTTLICK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL" BUMPER STICKER AND THE SOCCER BALL THAT SAYS "CYCLONES #21 ASHLEY" and drive away.

Idiots. Why not just hang a big banner off your car that says, "I have a daughter named Ashley who lives in the Nuttlick community who is between the ages of 7 and 12. She's very trim and athletic. Come snatch her sometime."

I can promise you, sexual predators haunt WalMart parking lots looking for these things. So before we get too smug in our indignation, let's stop for a second and see what information we are broadcasting. While I agree that parents should be afforded the benefit of putting things like this on their car if they choose, and that doing so should not be an invitation to a pervert, sadly that ain't the world we live in anymore. Do your part to discourage the pervs, then bitch about them...not the other way around.
Do your part to discourage the pervs

We do what we can

yeah this family deserved to be raped and killed
and these guys deserve to live out their lives
on the taxpayers dime
and its societies fault not the penal system that they
were out raping and killing
and on and on and on

although in this case a good old fashioned public
hanging Iranian style couldn't hurt
Speaks for itself.

Interesting anecdote this brings up... I was looking throught he Web site of the Nome Nugget a few weeks back, and there was a story in it from the local police department. Apparently there had been a rash of car thefts lately. The police were reminding people that not only should you remove the keys from the ignition... you should take them out of the car entirely.

I've been living in California too long, I guess. Here, we take the keys out of the ignition and the car entirely... and also lock the doors.