there he goes again manking new rules!



oh noes!

"Obama orders major changes in federal contracting"

how horrible. those no-bid contracts were such a model of efficiency. and how dare he join forces with republicans in putting this through. doesn't that horrible kinda foreign-looking muslim know that he's only supposed to be forwarding a marxist agenda, and subduing the boring, redundant white man and his stupid slogan-spewing female accessories? WTF????
One area in particular that is targeted is no-bid contracts, which the administration is seeking to change so that there will be more competition for government-paid work.

he's exchanging 'no bid' for 'pay to play'.
McCains just so stupid, he thinks there will be fair competitive bidding,
but that won't be the case.

I'm not saying we don't need to end no bid, just not replace it with pay to play.
dude, lack of no-bid does not equal pay to play, whatever you mean by the latter term. they are ending a very specific form of abuse.

and you're so convinced there will be a lack of competitive bidding because...?
one example of... huh?

um, yeah, you have to be able to spend some money to cover things like payroll while the other money is coming in. every business deals with that. it's a pretty standard operating thing.

that's not "pay to play," and the minor initial outlays come back when you get the grant or whatever.

nigerian scam
? please....

oh noes!

"Obama orders major changes in federal contracting"

how horrible. those no-bid contracts were such a model of efficiency. and how dare he join forces with republicans in putting this through. doesn't that horrible kinda foreign-looking muslim know that he's only supposed to be forwarding a marxist agenda, and subduing the boring, redundant white man and his stupid slogan-spewing female accessories? WTF????

Loverly. Wanna bet that 90% of the contractors don't change.
well, that may not be inaccurate, but at least we've got our symbolic gesture. all will be well soon. i accept check or money order.
Manking???? Damn.

What are you trying to say??

Is that your subliminal perception of The One??
This is a Man King

um yeah he's really trying to pull the wool over all our eyes with that one.

now let's just get back to whining about obama.

soon, we will make the french seem steady and courageous.