things here are so much simpler


Staff member
Up here in the Great White North, we pay levies on recordable goods...i.e. mp3 recorders, blank CD's and videotapes, cassettes, etc...which manufacturers forward to groups such as the RIAA. We have a board that takes care of that, the Copyright Board of Canada...they decide what's what as shown briefly in this link. We can record what we want for use, and the copyright holders get their cut from the levies on these products.

Why isn't there a system like this down there in the US? Wouldn't it make EVERYTHING in this area a lot simpler and cheaper to boot for everyone?
Buttcrackdivine said:
Lawyers need a source of revnue for their sake laws are needlessly complicated.

I don't know that they need one, but since the lawyers write the laws, they're going to get one. You know why sharks don't eat lawyers? Professional courtesy.
chcr said:
I don't know that they need one, but since the lawyers write the laws, they're going to get one. You know why sharks don't eat lawyers? Professional courtesy.

Kudos...... :D

It is bad though that you degrade the names of sharks like that, by associating them with Lawyers.
Buttcrackdivine said:
Kudos...... :D

It is bad though that you degrade the names of sharks like that, by associating them with Lawyers.

Yeah, if I were a shark I guess I'd be offended. :lol:
at a nice lunch many old friends are talking. One stands up and announces All lawyers are assholes.

One of his friends says I am offended by that!!

Why are you a lawyer?

No im an asshole!
I keep waiting for my kickback check from the recording industry because of elevator musak, music at my grocers, music at the mall... bad music. I have no control over what is being played. I am a defacto guinea pig for their lame tastes and forced advertisements. I want my cut of the pie as a targeted marketing rental fee.