Not me...
I do not approve of the "plan", such as it is. I'd probably take more of a scorched earth policy in this regard. There are an awful lot of legitimate targets in the region....far more than JUST Iraq...
...but that kind of a policy would never be instituted...
You know...lets say , if you follow the whole "legitimacy of the UN" philosophy, and that Hussein does meet the "demands" . In that case there could be no call for attack under UN auspices...right? So that mission would be more or less of a success , according to them..wouldn't it? And no one...I mean NO ONE could possibly seriously argue that threat of imminent attack didn't force Iraqi hands. Fact: There'd be no reason to comply with anything without some set of consequences...nothing else has worked...
It'd be because of the military buildup....and then there'd be no attack, and people would say , " Oh you SEE??? He complied! Inspections worked! "....
...and the military component of this would be seen as a liability rather than an asset in the entire scheme of things...