Think about this...


How many of us would actually be disappointed if all of this commotion didn't end in war? Keep in mind, Saddam would still be in power if he meets the demands.
Not me...

I do not approve of the "plan", such as it is. I'd probably take more of a scorched earth policy in this regard. There are an awful lot of legitimate targets in the region....far more than JUST Iraq...

...but that kind of a policy would never be instituted...

You know...lets say , if you follow the whole "legitimacy of the UN" philosophy, and that Hussein does meet the "demands" . In that case there could be no call for attack under UN auspices...right? So that mission would be more or less of a success , according to them..wouldn't it? And no one...I mean NO ONE could possibly seriously argue that threat of imminent attack didn't force Iraqi hands. Fact: There'd be no reason to comply with anything without some set of consequences...nothing else has worked...

It'd be because of the military buildup....and then there'd be no attack, and people would say , " Oh you SEE??? He complied! Inspections worked! "....

...and the military component of this would be seen as a liability rather than an asset in the entire scheme of things...

(obviously) I think that he needs to be removed. If he was doing as he agreed following the Gulf War, fully & completely, I'd be happy to see no war.
I'm trying to imagine accepting him still in power after all this. Seems it would be just another time bomb.... :shrug:
Madrin was/is right. If he follows UN directive, there's no reason. The biggest problem would be the timebomb theory, it would only be a matter of time before he pulled some shit, somewhere.
That would be a greater debate than we have now. Unsure which side I'd be on. I kniw what side I'd like to be on but it wouldn't be prudent:rofl2:
Squiggy said:
How many of us would actually be disappointed if all of this commotion didn't end in war? Keep in mind, Saddam would still be in power if he meets the demands.

I would not be disappointed if this did not end in war, however, Saddam in power is not acceptable.
It goes back to "do we have a right"? In the current situation, I believe we do. If he disarms, damnit, don't even talk that way. I want that assholes head on a pole in the towncenter. Cover his body in porkfat & feed the dogs. Burn his mustache. Shove long thick poles up his son' get the idea.:zap:
After Reagan shoved a missile up his ass, he decided to behave. (internationally at least)