Thinking about getting a cabin...


Well-Known Member
This renting on campus sucks. I miss cranking my stereo up and playing Quake3 with the subwoofer on full blast. I think i'm going to find a nice little cabin to rent. They have a bunch all over fairbanks that are of decent size with electricity and running water. Only thing is your heat comes from a woodstove which means i'll be buying wood or have a lot of chopping to do. At least a couple of cords to get through winter. Rent is something like $600/month so it's a couple hundred bucks cheaper then i'm paying now. Only other bad thing is that i'd have to give up my free T2 connection and pay $50 a month for a crappy dsl connect.

Tough decision.
Add in the costs of driving to school and that could probably be a bitch in bad weather... Can you afford all that? If you can reasonably afford it and not be in trouble with money, I would do it. There's nothing like living alone. :)
Yep, you can always invite friends round if you get lonely, and you can kick 'em out again when you've had enough! :D
It's a minimum of 10 cords of hard, dry maple to keep a house the size of our cottage here, warm for a winter. With oil prices the way they are, wood heating is gonna make one helluva comeback. I really wish I'd ordered my wood when I first mentionned it. It's gonna be $65 a cord at least now, and getting higher as the time passes.
In Alaska, is it necessary to mention whether a place comes with electricity and running water? Because I think it's always been taken for granted in my experience. I've never looked at an apartment to rent and wondered about it, or heard the landlord mention it.

I think it's interesting sometimes to come to realize the kinds of things we take for granted.
If you're moving to Alaska, make sure there's no aluminum wiring in the igloo. The connections tend to get loose, causing a lot of heat. You certaionly don't want to melt the igloo.