thinking about

tank girl

New Member
..doing a triathlon. Am I crazy or am I just a lunatic :p?

half my brains kinda decided I'm just waiting to see if the rest of it catches up.

are there any athletic types on here that might be able to steer me in the right direction or are you all a bunch of big fat americans?

j/k :shrug: maybe thats not the best way to start huh....

honestly, the last exercise i did was walking to the fridge... :blank:
thought it might be good time to set myself a goal or something.

:rolleyes:Seeing as i'm getting to be a grown up soon and all....ha
Yeah go for it.
Six months to a year of predatory physical training sounds about right.
Of course a side effects of such an endeavor could result in:
an overall improved state of health
a drastic improvement in lean body mass which will make your ass look really hot
improved self esteem
greater physical strength and great calcium retention in your bones
(staving off osteoporosis later in life)
also an improved resistance to injury and increased immune response
a vastly improved social life
(unless lots of eligible guys are currently walking into your bedroom
or where ever your PC is located)
possibly a tan
and a bright shiny fabulous Mentos smile!!!

Oh screw all that, on your next trip to the Fridge get me a beer.
I'd say do it. It'd be one of those great life experiences that you can tell your grand-kids/nephews/dog-that-you-talk-to-when-you're-an-old-fart....
I'm almost positive I'll never even be able to try that, so what the hell, if you can, go for it.

The biggest exercise I get outside of work is running around a bowling alley. Sometimes it's a tough obstacle course though...
I did a few marathons. It was tough training for it and took a lot of free time. It takes a tremendous amount of dedication so look forward to telling friends you don't have time and cutting out on a lot of other activities. But, the reward feels good. Just completing my first one was awesome. Of course I was sore for a few weeks after but it was worth it. I might take up running again in the future. aybe even run a few more marathons. I prefer the 10K's though. Less stress on the ol' knees.