this awesome Tomato Soup i make.


New Member
first off, i'm a hardcore tomato addict, i drown my sorrows in gallons of tomato juice much as another person might use whiskey or vodka. sounds silly, but is true, and causes just as much horrible acid reflux.
lately i've been searching for that perfect, easy to attain Tomato High.
and i found it.

i call it "Cheesy Tomato Lovers' Soup".
it's definitely something you can tweak, but here's how i make it:

1 can of condensed tomato soup
1 can of stewed tomatoes (i use del monte's original recipe, but you can try others)
milk (optional).
cheddar cheese, grated (as much as you think is reasonable).
sliced american cheese torn into pieces (i find one slice is usually sufficient).

put the tomato soup and stewed tomatoes in a pot, mix with a can of water, throw some milk in if you want it creamier (i usually do it half and half). stir.
cook it on kind of a high setting, of the 10 settings on our dial i usually use number 8. when it gets warm, add the cheese, and stir a lot to get it mixed in. every now and then stir until the soup gets pretty freaking hot and has little bits of melted cheese going all through it.
remove from heat

i don't know how many servings to say it makes. i eat the whole thing in one sitting, but that's just me.
and if you get heartburn/acid reflux, i definitely suggest never eating this anytime close to bedtime because it'll keep or wake you up.
Didya know that tomato is one of the best things to stop/block/prevent cancer? Cooking makes it even stronger. Dunno why.
I like tomato juice as well. I just add some tabasco and a bit of vodka, and garnish it with a celery stalk. I think it's called a 'Bloody Mary'. :grinyes: