This can't help


molṑn labé
Staff member
Muzzammil Hassan is the founder and chief executive officer of Bridges TV, which he launched in 2004, amid hopes that it would help portray Muslims in a more positive light.

Lovely gesture.

Orchard Park police are investigating a particularly gruesome killing, the beheading of a woman, after her husband — an influential member of the local Muslim community — reported her death to police Thursday.

Police identified the victim as Aasiya Z. Hassan, 37. Detectives have charged her husband, Muzzammil Hassan, 44, with second-degree murder.

Why 2nd? Isn't beheading a willful act that takes forethought (I suppose they could have a sharpened sabre laying about.)

You can't behead with a sabre. It doesn't have the mass to make it through bone. You need a falchion or scimitar for that. Even a broadsword is gonna take more than one swing for a neck.

Please set all liquids down and away from your computer and keyboard prior to reading this post. Do not drink liquids while reading this post.

You have been warned.

I loved the headline on this story from the London Daily Telegraph. Ya just can't beat Brit humor. (Hint: Think cartoon character.)



Tim Blair
Saturday, February 14, 2009 at 04:08pm

New York man Muzzammil Hassan founded pro-Islam station Bridges TV five years ago to combat the negative public image of Muslims. He is currently under arrest for beheading his wife.
Ah, the good ol' days.


You remember "moose's goose is cooked"?