This is just sad...

Is that yours? Yikes. I always worry that my three year old daughter is going to fall down the stairs in our apartment. They're really steep and dangerous and she has no quarrels about racing up & skipping down them as if she were an olympian.
He'll be a badass again in a day or two....soon as he figures out how to work that thing:headbang:

ps...he's getting quite handsome. I haven't seen a pic in a while.
Trying it now. Of course, he's having no success with it, which pisses him off, which makes him irritable, which blows us all out of the water.
dang! And you know, like Q, I was just getting ready to ask you to post a pic of him cause we haven't seen his face in soooo long .. dang ... he's getting tall ... and handsome - even with the cast

what'd he do?
He was going down a slide at the park Wednesday and caught his foot on the way down. Torqued it out.

We thought he'd just twisted his ankle - really mild swelling, could move the toes, could flex the ankle - and let it go overnight. When he couldn't put weight on it the next morning, we whipped him in to the pediatrician. Two x-rays kater, fractured tibia. We were thinking WTF, we thought it was the ankle!

Oh well, he wears that damn thing for the next three weeks.

Thanks for the compliments. I'd pass 'em on, but he's got a big enough head as it is.
poor little guy. hope hell be ok soon. take care of him Homey and mrs. homey. get well little guy. were all rooting for ya.
indeed, this is just sad, although, he will recover soon, that's the way things works on kids.