This is our country ...


Well-Known Member
ugh .. ok, I never thought I'd say this but I'm so not *hearting* John Cougar right now .. I swear, if I hear that song and that commercial one more time ... ugh .. but the thing that irritates me the most is the line "from the east coast, to the west coast" ... come on, haven't we passed geography class? Right or wrong, like it or not, there are a couple of states outside of those parameters that belong to the country .. so shouldn't he be singing .. "this is ouuurrrr 48 continental United States"? :D
That commercial drives me up a wall...and they just loooove to play it during football games.
That commercial drives me up a wall...and they just loooove to play it during football games.

it's one of the reasons I won't watch football with Chris .. seriously .. they play it incessantly!! Every other commercial .. variations .. 15 second version .. quick 5 minute version .. full length 30 second version .. AAAARRGGGHHHHH... it took all my strength to watch the Redskins vs Cowboys game on Sunday because of the commercial
I love John Cougar Meloncamp and I've never heard the song you speak of and I'm not an American so I'll continue to love him :D
For Nixy... you're welcome.

For one thing, the song sucks donkey balls. For another thing, it shows a bunch of natural disasters that don't really have anything to do with the vehicle... and finally, the truck is butt-fucking-ugly.