This is why I hate stoopid people


Well-Known Member
You know, I'm a busy person. Like many other busy people, I categorize my time and prioritize my responsibilities.

I work for a school running their lab, as most of you know. The people that pay my wages (I'm not paid by the foundation like ku'u is but am paid by an outside source) - the same people that purchased all the equipment we, as well as 12 other schools use - the same people that manage that big ass grant, decide to use their mailing list for SPAMMING!!!!!

I got that "This is real, it was on the news last night" email ... *can barely contain my anger* ... you know, it is because of them that I hate stoopid people, I swear ... this was my reply to the email (and I replied to EVERYONE so they can see how STOOPID the people who pay our wages really are):

This is actually the oldest trick in the book - it's basic use was
for sending viruses but now its purpose seems just for plain
irritating people.

I assume that email coming from AhoLoa is important and deserves my
immediate attention. Please do not use this list for
spamming. If that is the intent, a quick deletion of my name and
email address would be appreciated. Thank you.

Thank god my contract ends at the end of summer ... *gr* :mad2: :mad:
good response, they should treat information coming from their company as serious.

my missus signed up to some internet test/quiz thing and they sold on the address. now she gets sent all kinds of crap.

i've never recieved unsolicited email [except to hotmail, buit that doesn't count]. i guess i have the right internal security settings )