This is why I'm tubby!

THIS is why I'm chubby...

tonksy said:
MMMMMM....homemade cream chipped beef on top of potato pancakes...It's a light lunch, no?
I know what potato pancakes are but what's cream chipped beef??

I had McDonalds yesterday, my worst infraction since the diet started. But I've already lost 10 pounds so I don't feel so bad. I won't have it again for six months or more anyway.
greenfreak said:
I know what potato pancakes are but what's cream chipped beef??

I had McDonalds yesterday, my worst infraction since the diet started. But I've already lost 10 pounds so I don't feel so bad. I won't have it again for six months or more anyway.
cream chipped beef is dried, salted beef in thin slices that has been diced up. It is swimming in a cream sauce (a bechamel). it's yum! :licklips:
Gonz said:
shit on a shingle
While it's true that some cream chip beef can be bad, really really bad, my version is not shit nor are potato pancakes shingles.
The nickname originated in the military. The meal can be made easily and quickly from ingredients that can be stored well and are rather cheap. It was often served on toast that was exceedingly dry (hence the shingle). Not to mention that the culinary expertise of military cooks is not the greatest. If you can make a good cream sauce from scratch and have a nice product to put it on then you have a yummy meal.