this just makes me sick ...


Well-Known Member
she starves her baby to death ... and serves a year .. and gets to keep her kids? bitch needs to be sterilized. :mad2:

Mother gets year in jail
HILO (AP) - A mother whose infant daughter starved to death has been sentenced to one year in jail and also placed on 10 years' probation.

Saraswati Mulder, who also goes by the name Saraswati Gopi Lacasse, had been charged with murder, but pleaded guilty in July to the lesser charge of manslaughter.

Mulder's daughter, Manjai Mulder, was 10 weeks old when she died Oct. 27, 1999. At the time she weighed 6 pounds, more than 1.5 pounds less than her birth weight.

Mulder, 24, has said her daughter had been ill, and she had relied on alternative treatments.

"This will never happen again," Mulder said during sentencing Friday.

Third Circuit Judge Greg Nakamura ruled Mulder, the mother of two other children, can begin serving her sentence after she gives birth to another child in about two weeks.

He also said Mulder can serve part of her sentence under house arrest.

nalani said:
Mulder, 24, has said her daughter had been ill, and she had relied on alternative treatments.

I wonder what that line means... Was there really something wrong with the baby and instead of bringing it to the hospital, she was told by some quack to only feed it ginseng or something stupid like that?
I heard something on the radio today about some bitch how left her 2 kids to starve to death in her apartment while she went on a ten day fuckfest with her new boyfriend. She got 8 years. Lemme go look for it.
What's scary is that we've got two of them. Now, if I've heard of one this week, and Nal heard of one this week, how many didn't we hear about this week? Or last week?
she should get the death penalty. id like to knwo how the fuckity shit she could keep her kids after that. to say she should be sterlised is an understatement. bitch killed her own fucking offspring. thats sick.
Happens rarely. Most mothers and fathers love their children. Those who do not usually put them up for adoption. The ones who kill (mostly mothers, BTW) are extremely rare. Don't let the media skew the facts for you.
Gato_Solo said:
(mostly mothers, BTW)

lol you never miss an opportunity, do you? Women are evil bitches, we know that already. ;)

I saw some show once on the women who would deliberately hurt their children and then call an ambulance all concerned for them. They showed videos of these women smothering the children with a pillow because it leaves no trace of their crime. One of them even did it in the room the baby was in after it had been hospitalized.

I'll never understand that. I already loathe people who do and say things just to get attention, but to harm a child just so people will pay attention to you? Fucking assholes. :mad2:
greenfreak said:
lol you never miss an opportunity, do you? Women are evil bitches, we know that already. ;)

that's the only post that made me laugh :D

but I know what you mean - I can't understand it ... it's not as if you're killing someone you don't know (not that that's moral or right or anything) .. you're killing something you had the blessing of creating in the first place. There are times I wanna just choke my kids - but I never ever dreamed I'd carry it out. Ever. And these were babies. Little helpless babies.

I'm so thankful that I have the kind of support I have - when times get nervewracking, I know I can count on my friends and family ... I wonder if any of these women had that? If any of them had someone they could count on? Or are they just evil and demented?

Too much philosophy in my university class schedule ... too much ...
You know, sometimes I get frustrated thinking that my bf doesn't help around THATmuch with the baby. Then I realize he does a lot ... changing diapers, carrying her at night when I'm exhausted, feeding her ... and I wonder, how do single mothers do it? How do mothers who don't have family support survive?