This makes me mad

I saw in the Metro today, 6 British soldiers killed in Iraq by an angry mob of 400, they were shot AFTER they surrendered their weapons with the very same weapons. Barbarians! :(
yep, war officially finished 1st may when dubya said so. these are casualties of peace.
Not true! I had to irony my shirt just this morning.

On a related note, isn't it ironic that nothing Alanis Morisette mentions in her song "Isn't it Ironic" is actually ironic? Perhaps it's just unfortunate.
if i thought she knew how to be ironic then yes, but all the examples in her song don't display an ability to identify what is ironic so no.

hehehe, talk about your off-topic :D :D
Hell, the only way rain on your wedding day is ironic is if you're a meteorologist who forecasted plenty of sunshine for that day. :D
if i thought she knew how to be ironic then yes, but all the examples in her song don't display an ability to identify what is ironic so no.
Good Point.