This must be a forgery. The L.A. Times?


Well-Known Member
How can the newspaper which called Obama "The Magic Negro" speak this way of their favorite son?

The president's remarks, as released by the White House, are at the bottom of the linked article.


861 days and $787 billion in, Obama pleads for more time on jobs

June 28, 2011 | 4:16 pm

Because who doesn't want to take his 747 to Iowa at this time of year?, President Obama popped up in Iowa today.

And you'll never guess what he did.

He pleaded for yet more time to create new jobs and keep his.

Eight hundred and sixty-one days after popping up in Denver, of all places, to sign the Democratic Congress' $787-billion stimulus bill that was going to work almost immediately and absolutely keep unemployment below 8%, Obama offered another jobs speech today (full text below) with unemployment at 9.1%.

He admitted that things are not good for millions of Americans and said it was going to take even more time to do what his vice president promised would be happening 14 months ago.

How could the awful economic hole from you-know-who keep getting deeper 889 days after the guy fled back to Texas?

Obama stated:

For a lot of Americans, those numbers don’t matter much if they’re still out of work, or if they have a job that doesn’t pay enough to make the mortgage or pay the bills. So we’ve got more work to do. And that work is going to take some time. The problems that we developed didn’t happen overnight. We’re not going to solve them overnight either. But we will solve them.
Perhaps the plea for more time has something to do with the 497 (and dwindling) days left before Americans pass their final judgment on the Obama-Biden administration's stewardship of everything, including the new war in Libya.

Will it be Democrat Jimmy Carter redux? Or will it be the first time in nearly two centuries that Americans reelect three presidents in a row?

Usually when political opponents visit somewhere, the opposing party's state....
...chair does a telephone conference call with media to get some free retorts out there. But so many Republicans are wandering the rows of corn in Iowa these days that the president came himself this time. Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Ron Paul, Rick Santorum and Tim Pawlenty, who observed, "Speeches like the one President Obama gave today will not create a single job."

Now, he wants to talk about jobs. That's the subject polls showed Americans wanted him to do something about way back on Day One, back when his approval was 69%, not the low to mid-forties of now. But back then, after stimulus Obama wanted to talk healthcare. And then financial reforms. So, he did for months and dozens of town halls. And he got both bills. And then, as one result, lots of Democrats got unelected from Congress last fall.

A little-noticed deadline comes Thursday night. That's the end of the first fundraising quarter Obama and others will be reporting to the Federal Election Commission. Obama's got his wife out doing a trio of fundraisers this week. And he's certainly been diligent at it, even hitting up those Wall Street bankers he used to call fat cats for a Manhattan soiree last week that cost $35,800 per plate.

For this season, no hanging chad allowed. Dollars are pre-election votes. If an incumbent president hasn't racked up a few hundred million of them since he announced in the early hours of April, people will have more numbers to talk about than his weakening poll stats.