This one irritates me even more...


Well-Known Member
Centrifugal force. My science teachers in junior high and high school used it. Physicists and astronomers still use it constantly. Even my dad who's been studying astronomy and physics for thirty five years uses it. There is no such force. It simply does not exist!!

There is however such a thing as centripetal force.
Hell if I know :shrug:

Merriam Webster

Main Entry: centrifugal force
Function: noun
Date: circa 1721
1 : the force that tends to impel a thing or parts of a thing outward from a center of rotation
2 : the force that an object moving along a circular path exerts on the body constraining the object and that acts outwardly away from the center of rotation <a stone whirled on a string exerts centrifugal force on the string>

Main Entry: centripetal force
Function: noun
Date: 1709
: the force that is necessary to keep an object moving in a circular path and that is directed inward toward the center of rotation <a string on the end of which a stone is whirled about exerts centripetal force on the stone>
Sure you say that but if the word actually lived up to its definition the universe would spontaneously & cataclysmicly implode due to the non-existance of any consistant or predictable physical laws.

Stop minimizing the situation. This is important dammit.
* Finds my Websters and crosses out Centrifugal force.

* You should also know that I cross people out of the phone book when I read the obituaries too.
I'm basically retarded WHEN IT COMES TO SCIENCE (smartasses made me add that)...explain yourself to the layman...
Hex, centrifugal force is developed by a mass's desire to travel in a straight line as opposed to the directional force applied to it. It is a function of the mass's specific gravity.
Gonz's definitions are the ones I always understood. People use the term centrifugal force to describe centipedal force all the time but both forces exist. I like the record player analogy. If you put a coin on a record player and turn it on, it will slide off the outside, centrifugal. If however, your stylus arm doesn't have enough weight to keep it in the groove, it will slide to the center, centripedal. I just thought of something. Everyone here does know what a record player is, right?:D

Here's one that amazes me: A, lot of people believe that if the earth were to stop spinning, gravity would disappear.
If you understand this you can see why it bothers me. It's as fundamental as all the laws of physics. If this were accurate it would change the entire universe drastically. I just don't comprehend why this word isn't eliminated from the classroom altogether.
HeXp£Øi± said:
It has nothing to do with gravity.
I understood that, Hex. I was just pointing out one that really irritates me. Should have made that more clear.:D
Oh, BTW here.
Actually that part of the rebuke was for Squig. Ok enough rebuking already. :D Plenty of info here for anyone who want's to learn.