This used to be America file


Too cute for words
Maybe we need to start keeping score. The guy in New York who was arrested, The kid who got kicked out of school...

Here locally, the TBI (Tennessee Bureau of Investigation) Was taking names of protest speakers at the local university, and today I heard that a women who works for Charlie Daniels' publicist was fired for an anti-war e-mail she wrote at home and sent from her home e-mail to some acquaintances in the business.

Freedom of Speech seems to be going the way of the Dodo.

Anyone else have any exciting stories that may not have made the national news?

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Freedom of Speech is fine in a public venue, but when it's on private property or on company time/resources, then the owners of that property and the company paying for those resources have the right to want to stay out of it.
The problem comes with selectivity. In politically emotional timessuch as these, its common to see pro war slogans/cartoons/T-shirts etc...Then one voice speaks of peace and is told he has no rights...
In this reference, unc, that would be someone getting thrown out of a mall or arrested for wearing a shirt that said "Bomb IraQ". I've not seen that happen yet...
yeah... I'm fairly certain that if someone tried to cross the campus of a Bay area university wearing a bomb Iraq tee, he would, if a student, be expelled, if not a student, be tarred and feathered.
Dead opposite up here. Palestinians have control of the student union and cause riots at will.
Think about this, then:
I've always felt freedom of speech is absolutely meaningless unless you recognize someone elses freedom to say that which absolutely enrages you. That's what freedom of speech is. Unclehobarts example, while no doubt completely accurate, is still completely wrong because it interferes with someones right to express themselves freely in a public place. You can't have freedom of expression and then pick and choose what people are free to express.
One other thing that bugs me, its a very small step for a mall "private property" (I think that's wrong too) to go from saying no peacenik t-shirts to saying they don't want arabs in their mall. Then jews, blacks, etc... If you invite the public to come in, it needs to be all of them, doesn't it?