this would be funny if....


Well-Known Member didnt ring so true....

Illegal Immigrants Poem

I cross ocean,

poor and broke,

Take bus,

see employment folk.

Nice man treat me

good in there,

Say I need to

see welfare.

Welfare say,

"You come no more,

We send cash

right to your door."

Welfare checks,

they make you wealthy,

Medicaid it keep

you healthy!

By and by,

I got plenty money,

Thanks to you,

American dummy.

Write to friends

in motherland,

Tell them 'come

fast as you can.'

They come in turbans

and Ford trucks,

I buy big house

with welfare bucks

They come here,

we live together,

More welfare checks,

it gets better!

Fourteen families,

they moving in,

But neighbor's patience wearing thin.

Finally, white guy

moves away,

Now I buy his house,

and then I say,

"Find more aliens

for house to rent."

And in the yard

I put a tent.

Send for family

they just trash,

But they, too,

draw the welfare cash!

Everything is

very good,

And soon we

own the neighborhood.

We have hobby --

it's called breeding,

Welfare pay

for baby feeding.

Kids need dentist?

Wife need pills?

We get free!

We got no bills!

American crazy!

He pay all year,

To keep welfare

running here.

We think America

darn good place!

Too darn good for

the white man race.

If they no like us,

they can scram,

Got lots of room in

You have no idea what these people go through. As I read that poem it didn't anger me, it just made me sad at the fact whoever wrote this has no real idea of what these "tuban wearing" folks go through as iimigrants. Life is anything but easy for these guys and trust me...they have no idea about the benefits they are allowed, infact they don't even know they have to work for 50 dollares a week like they do because it is still better than their country.

I have seen first hand families get abused by their own relatives and used for cheap labor because they have no clue of what rights they have let alone know about welfare. Most of them haven't even heard of medicaid. I have seen too many toil away in their misfortune because they were tricked into coming here.

You know what....i don't talk about myself and my life much here but after reading that Spot it really felt all my dad's years of hard work after getting screwed into coming here was spat on, on his face. Maybe it rings true to you or others because of your different locations and the different cicumstances there with immigrants but i have seen my mother cry away at night while we slept at how miserable life was and no one to turn to.

My mom and dad didn't know about medicare of even minimum wage because they were too tired and busy feeding their kids at 50 dollares a week pay.
Welfare?, you have that for the unemployed and illegal immigrants ?? :eek:
Buttcrackdivine said:
You have no idea what these people go through. As I read that poem it didn't anger me, it just made me sad at the fact whoever wrote this has no real idea of what these "tuban wearing" folks go through as iimigrants. Life is anything but easy for these guys and trust me...they have no idea about the benefits they are allowed, infact they don't even know they have to work for 50 dollares a week like they do because it is still better than their country.......

yeah, i found this e-mail funny.
yes, i see abuses to the system first hand on a daily basis.

it sucks that your parents were tricked into coming over here for what basically amounted to slave labor. i have no sympathy for people that do that to others.
however, that little ditty was obviously not directed at people like your parents or the immigrants that make it here and work their asses off to make a better life for themselves.
Spot said:
yeah, i found this e-mail funny.
yes, i see abuses to the system first hand on a daily basis.

that little ditty was obviously not directed at people like your parents or the immigrants that make it here and work their asses off to make a better life for themselves.

I found the poem funny as well. At the same time though, there is some truth to it. I'm not saying that all immigrants come here to go on welfare, far from it. My father hires a lot of immigrants, pays them decent wages and they work their ass off. At times, with all that, they still get deported. The ones that do come here to sit on their asses, get welfare and get to stay piss me off. Montreal is very multicultural, and we get more and more immigrants coming all the time. In certain areas, it's disgusting, they don't work, sit in the shopping center all day, make a mess of our stores, go deposit their welfare checks during lunch hours when the rest of the working population is trying to do their banking, etc. It's people like that, that should be deported.

Sorry, it just agravates me when the hard workers get shit on, and the ones that collect our hard earned cash sit on their asses and get all the benefits.
BCD, I'm unsure if you're playing devils advocate or not. Either way, humor has to have a ring of truth to it to be funny & that was. The real cases like you portrayed are sad & a good indicator of why people need to immigrate legally & become a part of the greater whole.
Uki Chick said:
I found the poem funny as well. At the same time though, there is some truth to it. I'm not saying that all immigrants come here to go on welfare, far from it. My father hires a lot of immigrants, pays them decent wages and they work their ass off. At times, with all that, they still get deported. The ones that do come here to sit on their asses, get welfare and get to stay piss me off. Montreal is very multicultural, and we get more and more immigrants coming all the time. In certain areas, it's disgusting, they don't work, sit in the shopping center all day, make a mess of our stores, go deposit their welfare checks during lunch hours when the rest of the working population is trying to do their banking, etc. It's people like that, that should be deported.

Sorry, it just agravates me when the hard workers get shit on, and the ones that collect our hard earned cash sit on their asses and get all the benefits.

Here, in the US, did you know that it is illegal for a hospital to turn down a patient for treatment? Once you're stabilized, however, they can ship you off to another facility, but the cost has to go somewhere...
Gonz said:
BCD, I'm unsure if you're playing devils advocate or not. Either way, humor has to have a ring of truth to it to be funny & that was. The real cases like you portrayed are sad & a good indicator of why people need to immigrate legally & become a part of the greater whole.

In my case we were legally immigrated (thankfully).....those who helped us come over were apprently evil fuckers in disguise. But I have seen too many Illegally men and women get screwed again and again.
Gato_Solo said:
Here, in the US, did you know that it is illegal for a hospital to turn down a patient for treatment? Once you're stabilized, however, they can ship you off to another facility, but the cost has to go somewhere...

i thought they could if they dont have insurance? or is that a regular doctors office? and what if they dont have a social security number? same deal they can get treatment but once its stablisied they are gone?

BCD i feel badly for your family cause they came here legally. ifeel much less for those who come over illegally since they are already breaking the law.
freako104 said:
i thought they could if they dont have insurance? or is that a regular doctors office? and what if they dont have a social security number? same deal they can get treatment but once its stablisied they are gone?

Nope. No insurance required. If you're sick, and show up at the nearest hospital, they, by law, cannot turn you away. They have to treat you. If they don't, not only do they get criminal prosecution, but civil suits are a bastich as well.
whoa whoa whoa! Illegal immigrants can get welfare? That doesn't make sense! They aren't suppose to be here so how do they register to get welfare??
i dont knwo about Canada but here in the states i think they can. im pretty sure they can. Gato thanks for letting me know
Gato_Solo said:
Nope. No insurance required. If you're sick, and show up at the nearest hospital, they, by law, cannot turn you away. They have to treat you. If they don't, not only do they get criminal prosecution, but civil suits are a bastich as well.
and so they should. just because you are poor doesn't mean you should have to suffer. medicaid is not just something you get...unless you are a child or 65 and up and eligible for medicare. medicaid is something you apply for after the fact or if you are diagnosed with an illness or pregnancy...something like that.
it's a basic human need - medical care...shouldn't be driven by money. some rich bastard doesn't deserve better medical care....but thats the way of the world, isn't it?
but when they register for welfare then the government knows they're not suppose to be there...yet they give them money anyway??
its odd i know. id rather they didnt but they can become legal immigrants as well as i think they can start getting info on them as tho they were citizens. im not sure exactly how it works but welfare is for those who cant afford to support their family on the wages from work
Nixy said:
but when they register for welfare then the government knows they're not suppose to be there...yet they give them money anyway??
no nixy, they get their one legal family member to fill out the paperwork and get the welfare. anytime you apply for any government assistance you are required to show ssn cards or birth certificates or greencards for everyone you are claiming. the trouble is that there are so many cracks to slip through in the system for dishonest people. and as far as the medical care goes they leave before checking out or they just never pay the bill....but the medical care doesn't bother me because if i was sick or hurt in a foreign country with no money i sure as shooting want medical care.
freako104 said:
its odd i know. id rather they didnt but they can become legal immigrants as well as i think they can start getting info on them as tho they were citizens. im not sure exactly how it works but welfare is for those who cant afford to support their family on the wages from work

AFAIK, guys that spent one or two years as illegal immigrants can apply to get the residence or citizenship in the USA, maybe only then they can get welfare.

Giving money away to illegal immigrants makes no sense to me, if they know they are not legally there then why don't they deport them or something?
Nixy said:
but when they register for welfare then the government knows they're not suppose to be there...yet they give them money anyway??

I don't bitch to see myself think ;)