This'll make you sooooo proud!


Well-Known Member
Students are asked simple everyday questions like "How many countries border the United states?" and the answers would be hilarious if they weren't so tragicomic.

Watch the video at the link.


Do you know how many countries border America?
By Bobby Eberle February 3, 2012 1:25 pm

Take a look at this video called "Lunch Scholars" if you want to see what the future of America looks like. A reporter asked high schools teens a variety of questions, and the answers were stunning. How many states are there in the U.S.? 51? Who is the vice president of the United States? That Clinton guy? Or is it bin Laden? And one of my favorites: How many countries border the United States? There are too many to name. See for yourself...

Thanks goes out to The Blaze for catching my attention with this video. The story was first reported by the Huffington Post, and it notes that "Austin, an intrepid young student-reporter, embarks on the noble mission of answering the question, 'How much basic knowledge do American high school students really have?' The answer, however, may not be exactly what you want to hear."

The Huffington Post points out this dismal fact: "U.S. students place behind 31 other countries in math proficiency, and behind 16 other countries in reading."

Is this the future of our country? If so, maybe I should move to Canada or Mexico or one of those other countries that border America!
well, what do you expect?

what's really super is that beyond basic factlets, the kiddies really aren't learning to think in abstract ways.

but are you surprised? considering where you work, i'm sure you make numerous daily observations as to the dunderheadedness of kids and their negligent owners.

but this is all good. we don't need no education. we just need loyal subjects that won't push beyond a few lines of scripture... if they can even fucking read it...
These kids are coming out of the public schools and they can't read their diploma; but they know how to put a condom on a cucumber.

All of the things that we used to learn behind the school is what is now being taught in the school. If they would spend less time on social engineering, sex ed, and diversity studies maybe these kids would actually learn something about the real world and be prepared to become productive members of society.
These kids are coming out of the public schools and they can't read their diploma; but they know how to put a condom on a cucumber.

All of the things that we used to learn behind the school is what is now being taught in the school. If they would spend less time on social engineering, sex ed, and diversity studies maybe these kids would actually learn something about the real world and be prepared to become productive members of society.

hmmm. that's interesting. i didn't realize they were being so perverted by the liberal conspiracy.

how much time do they spend in sex ed? how many classroom hours are wasted on diversity? what is this social engineering going on? have you done a comparative review of curricula?

funny but in looking at my old high school, the curriculum doesn't seem to have much in the way of a focus on sex ed. there's a .5 credit health course (out of 28 credits to graduate) which is where sex ed would presumably occur. most of it seems like math, science, and english. they need to complete at least algebra II to graduate.

seems like your critique is just ideospew again.
Want ideology? The fundamental lack of in-depth education is on purpose. Dumb down the masses, make them reliant on government & twist basic ethics & VOILA! the Constitution no longer matters.
hmmm that's funny coming from you. except of course the obligatory mention of scripture.

you kinda wrote the standard volume on recalcitrant vapidity.

but hey who would think it might be good to understand a few things more than your holy book covers?
I would make a point but American Idol is on.

yes, well, we've been breeding (verb) receptacles for a while. unfortunately now they don't even know very basic facts. at least the ignorant from previous generations knew basic civics and history, and were trained in the now arcane arts of things like saying "please" and "thank you." these younger ones lack obedience, not due to the rebellious drives of the teenage years, but simply as an obvious concomitant of their lack of manners.

shit in the litter box, kids.