Those enlightened Indiana folks


Southern Discomfort

Northwest Indiana's Times reports that a group of parents at an elementary school are upset because the school allowed a local Muslim family to give a presentation about their traditions during Ramadan.

The second- and third-graders heard from the family of some Muslim students who are new to the school about Islamic traditions and were read the book "Ramadan" by Carol Gnojewski.

Some parents complained that religion has no role in the public school setting and said they would take their complaints to the school board.

School officials say the presentation was merely an effort to teach students about a variety of cultures and widen their world views. It does similar presentations about Chanukah and Christmas, they said.


Man, good thing no closed-minded Southern racists were there, huh? Somebody'd surely be missing a bedsheet by now if they had. Thankfully, though, the good citizenry put a stop to any potential enlightenment their kids could have ever received. Close call though. Gotta keep things just like they were 150 years ago, by gollum!
psssst, we all observe it come spring

if it's central time, it ain't Indiana
I'd rather be in the central time zone, but that's purely selfish. I like Monday Night Football to start earlier.
The only logical reason to be on CT is TV. There is no other possible motive, considering our surrounding neighbors.
In folks are automatically ahead of the game, by an hour. Chicago has to start earlier to be on the same footing.
Like I said, my reasons are purely selfish (football and family, in that order). I'll get use to whichever, it's really not that important to me.