Those tricksy brits....


New Member
...You can't trust 'em. :eek6:

I know what yer up to oz. :eek6:

A 14 year-old British boy used an Internet chatroom to pose as a spy and plot his own murder. Known only as 'John,' the boy invented a host of fictional characters to induce another teen, Mark, to kill him.

At trial, detectives told Manchester Crown Court that the boy duped his would-be murderer into thinking that the killing would be acting in the commission of the British Secret Service.

The boy fell in love with an older 16 year-old teen, with whom he communicated on the Internet under the guise of being a female Secret Service agent. The older teen, Mark, was promised sex with the supposed agent and a commendation from the British government.

Rest here.
tonksy said:
dude...he coulda just jumped off a bridge or something...
Or popped a bunch of his mom's sleeping pills and downed a bottle of jack, or somethin'. :eh: That would have taken so much less effort and wouldn't have caused this poor kid to go before the court on attempted murder charges. Sheesh!