Thought this was mildly interesting.....



Looks good for my side both this year and in 2008 :D :lol2: :drink: *poke2* :beardbng:

you my 'friend' are in for a rude awakening in oh eight!
oh yes

we currently hold the house the senate, congress and the white house
and if enough of them supreme court justices would cork off
we could pack that mutha with our right-wing wackos for the next 20+ years

tell me again about oh eight heh heh

Bush will blow up some more twin towers
and scare everyone into voting Republican again

sorry you lose!
Winky said:
Bush will blow up some more twin towers
and scare everyone into voting Republican again

Yeah that's about the size of it since their bad politics are failing right now......
I searched far and wide but I couldn't seem to find a point. I seem to remember all the "polls" declaring Kerry the runaway winner, and yet Bush was reelected.