
Whose thoughts are uniquely their own? :shrug: Everyone gets their ideologies from somewhere - whether it be from parents, an idolised *insert person here*, or whatever. We don't exist in a vacuum, y'know.
ResearchMonkey said:
.... yet more proof that YOUR thoughts are NOT your own.

It wasn't a thought, it was a link. Sadly, RM... I fear this appears to be another example of your attempts to read into a post of mine and then appropriate it to your own anti-tank agenda :rolleyes:

I think you'll find that BOP is quite right, however.
I see....

....communication is a funny thing.

The burden of communication relies on the presenter of the intended point. When the presenter leaves holes in the intended communication larger then the island said presenter lives on, one is left to assume information to fill the holes. Thus....

Since it has been the history of TG to make everything into a point of philosophical nonesense and bashing of *insert name here*, I was assumeing these were well representitive of her own feelings. So close to her feelings that it needed not any other information to represent her feeelings, with a double sided blade (very clever TG). I can see that she is trying to draw paralleles to the war in Iraq. Without any further explaination I aslo assume she was trying to relay a message of "fuck you" ,for all intent, to the masses she feels are an abomination to man in her eyes. . .... which my dear BoPpers, would include me (among others).

You see boppers, she added nothing to the poem 'cept the the "thought", nothing.

Since TG lacks the basic skills in the art of commincation, these are simple conclusions one could come to with out haveing to stretch very far.

TG, I see again you like riding on coat-tails, is this becoming a habit for you :winkkiss:
Funny BoP, my thoughts are my own. I take in the facts meet them with conjecture and reasoning, apply moral standards and life experience, place it all with-in the frame-werk of the real world.

Yes my dearest BoP, my thoughts are my own.

With that said, I will continue with some of my recent thoughts.

In my life I have met many a person; I have met those that are able to deal with life on life’s terms. Those people are amazing, they can navigate their way through the world and find the silver-lining and a better life everyday. They are driven by a desire to better their lives and the lives of others. These are the people that work hard to create their happiness in the world. These are the people most would like to aspire to be, these are the people that make living their lives worth it.

I have met others too; I have met those that are always in search for the worst of life, every depressing aspect no human nature. They are obsessed with the misery of their lives, and the lives others when they need a boost. They’re always the victim in despair and depravity. Their grandiose ills are but tools for their self-gratification and the attention of others. They spread their vile attitudes and misfortune to others in hopes of feeling better, if only for a while. …They want help, but not in the form others are usually willing to offer usually gets offered. They demand it comes in the forms they want, the easy way, give me what I want. They don’t like not having the power, it would be too much for their already low-esteem.

Once in while as a person get older, wiser, more humble, they can find it themselves to reverse their momentum in the spiral of degradation, the are the few. Some people add to the karma pool, and there are those that suck-it dry and move on.

Can you guess which type person gets found more often, dead by their own hand?
A conservative see's & thinks

How can it work for us?

A liberal, seeing the same thing thinks
lead me to the truth
ResearchMonkey said:
I see....

....communication is a funny thing.

It amazes me how how much a person can choose to read into something and then cite his own authority as the only source of the 'right' interpretation.

If you actually read the poem, you'd see that it was the TITLE.

It was a POEM which I found powerful, relevant and good enough to share.

How you choose to judge me, is up to you - but don't expect me to have any respect for you for constantly coming to your own false conclusions about who you think I am, and what I mean.

As far as 'original' thoughts go, if you really want me to divulge you into a little contemporary linguistic theory - (which I doubt you do, because you can't even bring yourself to stop and listen to me in the first place) you'll find the matter is really quite complex.

Imo No thoughts are ever 'original' - just as...Gonz, there is no 'truth'.

What BOP draws attention to is what is now known as intertextuality

We know now that a text is not a line of words releasing a single "theological" meaning (the "message" of the Author-God) but a multidimensional space in which a variety of writings, none of them original, blend and clash. The text is a tissue of quotations drawn from the innumerable centers of culture. [. . .T]he writer can only imitate a gesture that is always anterior, never original. His only power is to mix writings, to counter the ones with the others, in such a way as never to rest on any one of them. [. . .] Succeeding the Author, the scriptor no longer bears within him passions, humors, feelings, impressions, but rather this immense dictionary from which he draws a writing that can know no halt: life never does more than imitate the book, and the book itself is only a tissue of signs, an imitation that is lost, infinitely deferred. Barthes: 'The Death of the Author', "Image, Music, Text"

It is the thought process that is the 'original', the way thoughts are strung together - the way they operate and construct ideas in a unique way - the result of a persons unique identity and the combination of experience, contextual positon and factors arising from that which influence the pattern of such thoughts, like a fingerprint.

I don't invent, I listen. I read. I absorb what is around me and what I drive myself to find and then make from it what I feel is right.

I am authentic, not original - authentic thoughts - because I believe in everything I say - and an original thinker - because everything that I belive in has come from my own unique pattern of thought in coming to string various ideas together and personal expression through the words and ideas I choose to use - which you yourself find impossible to understand.

the idea that anyones thought can be 'original' to a point that you invented it before anyone else is very much a false, romantic idea.

exactly like BOP said, we don't live in a vacuum, everything we know we absorb - its the way we come to know and think and act about it, which is unique.
Ok I begg you pardon on the single point. I had not noticed your creativity when you split the title into two different places. -my apologies.

the peom, a feeble attempt on you part to promote your ideals.

tyhe rest seems to be more blather at the moment, ill ber back later sweet-pea :winkkiss:
ResearchMonkey said:
the peom, a feeble attempt on you part to promote your ideals.

Oh right :erm: If you says so...

It seems to me thats exacty what Gonz, Southern 'n' Proud and yourself choose to use the RW for...:rolleyes: You should be thanking me for adding a more democratically sound dimension to the forum.

Last I heard, being opposed to war wasn't a crime.

Please note I didn't add any comment to the post - therefore it can hardly be appropriated into another criticism of me supposedly "promoting my ideals"

Please note: the poem IS NOT MINE.

In respect to the poetry and the rights of the poet and its overall significance - I didn't want to make any comments for the reason that you would use it in case you would use it in order to serve your own anti-tankgirl propoganda :rolleyes: that didn't stop you from jumping to your own conclusions, and doing just that... did it?

If you really feel you need some sort of "explanation" (which inevitably, I find quite irrelevant to the reason for submitting thes posts) I did it not only because I am a lover of poetry, but also because I found them poignant and relevant in relation to the comparative nature of Iraq and Vietnam; especially where it comes to those that are actually involved firsthand. People tend to forget the casualty of the lives of their own soldiers and families ruined in the face of war.

I didn't want it to have to come to this, and I don't really want to argue - but again you just want to be all defensive and retaliate against me rather than add to what could be a very constructive discussion about war rather than one to serve your own one-minded attack against me. All I want to do is add a different perspective to the forum, the least you could do is try and work with that instead of continually attempting to stomp me down. This wasn't an agressive thread, therefore I don't feel you have any right to attack me over it. If you haven't got any input directly related to the poem, then I suggest you don't post at all - I don't really see why you feel that it is your rightful mission to try and wrestle with me until I give in and subject myself to your point of view.

I sure as hell know that, like most people around here I am sure - am sick of all the pathetic bitching that surrounds me. Lets be mature and discuss something important for a change :shrug: