ResearchMonkey said:
I see....
....communication is a funny thing.
It amazes me how how much a person can choose to read into something and then cite his own authority as the only source of the 'right' interpretation.
If you actually read the poem, you'd see that it was the TITLE.
It was a POEM which I found powerful, relevant and good enough to share.
How you choose to judge me, is up to you - but don't expect me to have any respect for you for constantly coming to your own false conclusions about who you think I am, and what I mean.
As far as 'original' thoughts go, if you really want me to divulge you into a little contemporary linguistic theory - (which I doubt you do, because you can't even bring yourself to stop and listen to me in the first place) you'll find the matter is really quite complex.
Imo No thoughts are ever 'original' - just as...Gonz, there is no 'truth'.
What BOP draws attention to is what is now known as
We know now that a text is not a line of words releasing a single "theological" meaning (the "message" of the Author-God) but a multidimensional space in which a variety of writings, none of them original, blend and clash. The text is a tissue of quotations drawn from the innumerable centers of culture. [. . .T]he writer can only imitate a gesture that is always anterior, never original. His only power is to mix writings, to counter the ones with the others, in such a way as never to rest on any one of them. [. . .] Succeeding the Author, the scriptor no longer bears within him passions, humors, feelings, impressions, but rather this immense dictionary from which he draws a writing that can know no halt: life never does more than imitate the book, and the book itself is only a tissue of signs, an imitation that is lost, infinitely deferred. Barthes: 'The Death of the Author', "Image, Music, Text"
It is the
thought process that is the 'original', the way thoughts are strung together - the way they operate and construct ideas in a unique way - the result of a persons unique identity and the combination of experience, contextual positon and factors arising from that which influence the pattern of such thoughts, like a fingerprint.
I don't invent, I listen. I read. I absorb what is around me and what I drive myself to find and then make from it what I feel is right.
I am authentic, not original - authentic thoughts - because I believe in everything I say - and an original thinker - because everything that I belive in has come from my own unique pattern of thought in coming to string various ideas together and personal expression through the words and ideas I choose to use - which you yourself find impossible to understand.
the idea that anyones thought can be 'original' to a point that you invented it before anyone else is very much a false, romantic idea.
exactly like BOP said, we don't live in a vacuum, everything we know we absorb - its the way we come to know and think and act about it, which is unique.