Three Bears


molṑn labé
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Too much, too little or just right?

A 12-year-old boy has been detained for life by a judge at Teesside Crown Court for raping his teacher at a special needs centre.

The schoolboy, who is one of Britain's youngest convicted rapists, attacked the woman as she sat next to him during a one-to-one teaching session.

Afterwards, he stole her car and drove it for 30 miles before dumping it.

The stocky youngster, who is just 5ft 3in tall and has severe learning difficulties, admitted at an earlier hearing raping the teacher at the centre in County Durham in November last year, and the theft of her car.

At Teesside Crown Court, Mr Justice Grigson ordered the teenager, who cannot be named for legal reasons, be detained for life.

Sentencing the cropped-haired boy, the judge said: "These problems are not of your own making but it is plain that until these problems are dealt with you are very likely to commit other offences, other offences as serious as this, so the public has to be properly protected until such time as your problems have been assisted."

John Evans, defending, said his client had been the victim of sexual and physical abuse from a very young age.

"By January 1995, when he could have only have been three-and-a-half-years-old barely, concerns were being expressed about his sexualised behaviour," he said.

"Even at that age his GP expressed concern that he was under the influence of illicit substances.

"By 1995, when this boy could not yet have been four, he was being mistreated and indeed encouraged to engage in misuse of alcohol and cigarettes."
Anyone in his or her right mind
(I guess some judges are?!?)
would come to the same conclusion

lock that wackjob away for life


anyone wanna take bets he doesn't stay locked up?

Every time I hear about a convicted rapist\murderer
that gets free and does it again I ponder WTF
is wrong with the people in the justice system, don't you?

Yep this Kid hasn't yet begun his 'career'.