Three months later


molṑn labé
Staff member
One eight hour (union) job, one one-week (the contracted customer is union) job, one three week kinda crappy but generally standard job, one almost took union job that was superceded by the final, after all this time, job I can stand. A-Tech Suburban. Distributor company with two (and soon adding more) offices.

Leaves Sunday, home typically Thurday (some Wed, some Fri). All the benfits of my previous real job & a few more with one major drawback...the customers are typically small business (barns, storage sheds, garages) & I have to hand unload. Not bad except in a hot trailer. Oh, and it's in Indianpolis.

That's where I've been. I need a laptop to keep you jokers in line.
Loading unloading sucks.....done it in only t-shirts during January winters......gets the blood flowing but still....
IDLEchild said:
Loading unloading sucks.....done it in only t-shirts during January winters......gets the blood flowing but still....

Which begs the question: They didn't let you wear pants??????? What, were you working for BoP?