through the good times, and the bad.

If she fucked around, then doubt her family values.

If he did, she's doing the responsible thing.
Christianity is based on forgiveness, but he may have taken it too far, and we should allow for that. If it's true she has strayed, it's just one more log on the bonfire of Caribou Barbie's self destruction.
It’s simply a diversionary tactic. Like Gatesgate. 0bama’s poll numbers go into the toilet and a Perez Hilton-type anonymous blogger and Dennis Zaki, a lamestream media and leftist website stringer based out of Anchorage come out of the woodwork to try distract attention away from his failed administration.

Palin Divorce Gossip 'Completely False'

"Divorce Todd? Have you seen Todd? I may be just a renegade hockey mom, but I'm not blind!"



Oh, and uh.......I've heard.........according to anonymous sources........that Michelle "proud of my country" 0bama and 2 certain Secret Service guys are.......well.........let's just say that they are "friends with benefits"...... :brow:
Christianity is based on forgiveness, but he may have taken it too far, and we should allow for that. If it's true she has strayed, it's just one more log on the bonfire of Caribou Barbie's self destruction.

Adultery breaks the covenent of marriage. She may chose to forgive him (see Mrs Bill) or she may show her children that your word is your bond & breaking a vow comes with dire consequences.
Adultery breaks the covenent of marriage. She may chose to forgive him (see Mrs Bill) or she may show her children that your word is your bond & breaking a vow comes with dire consequences.

You an atheist I don't expect you to get it, along with so many other things. Marriage is a commitment that should be able to endure even such indiscretions if they have not been a repeated pattern. So I half see your point, but we would have to know, and be sure of the facts to truly understand the situation.

Thank God for them if the rebuttal stories are true, nobody enjoys going through such things normally, much less under a microscope. I truly hope those rebuttal stories are true and the first is nonsense. However, with our whole tabloid media these days it is just as often the denials that are lies, and the actual reader is clueless most of the time. The bottom line though is none of the Palin's private lives is any of our fucking business and I for one wish such stories weren't so fascinating to people. I think Palin is a horrible choice for the chief executive of any state and or nation just on the issues and character we have seen. This crap really has no bearing on it to me, I just wish it wasn't such a big deal to most people, who really need a hot steamin' cup of mind your own fucking business. Life is better when we do that a lot more in such situations. Just about all of us have enough on our plate without the distraction of trying to tell other people how to live.
Oh, and uh.......I've heard.........according to anonymous sources........that Michelle "proud of my country" 0bama and 2 certain Secret Service guys are.......well.........let's just say that they are "friends with benefits"...... :brow:

Was your informant involved in any way with Deepthroat? :laugh:
CNN Bozo Accidentally Outs His Source; Palins Threaten LegalActionOn Divorce Smear

An attorney for Sarah Palin has delivered a letter threatening legal action against an anti-Palin blogger who was the source of a divorce rumor that the attorney for the former Alaska governor called "categorically false."

Saturday, the rumor that Todd and Sarah Palin were divorcing created an online uproar. CNN stringer/anti-Palin blogger Dennis Zaki published a thinly-sourced "news" item asserting that "multiple sources" had confirmed the rumor first published by "Gryphen" at his Immoral Majority blog.

Zaki obtained a copy of a letter from Palin attorney Thomas Van Flein, ordering "Gryphen" to retract the allegations -- calling them "complete fabrications, false and defamatory" -- or face legal action. The Van Flein letter, published by Zaki with the name of the recipient blacked out, ended with this sentence:

"If you do not have an attorney, please let me know if you want to be served with the summons and complaint at the kindergarten where you assist or at your residence." (Emphasis added.)

Perez Hilton-type blogger indeed.

Facebook link to his profile. And look: there's ol' Walt Monegan from "Troopergate" fame.
This whole thing with "oh, her kid got knocked up so that completely invalidates anything she says about family values" is a giant crock of shit. Family values is as much what you do when you fuck up as it is keeping from fucking up.
yeah well combine the knocked up kid with the known relationship to meth cookers and the obvious stupidity in play and um hey there's a pattern there.

plus the obvious fact that anyone so prone to drama and hyperbole through bullshit slogans as here is a hollow heap of poo.
levi? the girls boyfriend/husband/sperm donor, I presume.

Just as you can't blame the son for the fathers misdeeds, you can't help who your in-laws are.
This whole thing with "oh, her kid got knocked up so that completely invalidates anything she says about family values" is a giant crock of shit. Family values is as much what you do when you fuck up as it is keeping from fucking up.

Do you keep that line on your clipboard or something? I've read it like fifteen different times... all from you :tomato: