Time for a pity party


molṑn labé
Staff member
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands - Former Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic, the so-called "butcher of the Balkans" being tried for war crimes after orchestrating a decade of bloodshed that killed 250,000 people and broke up his country, was found dead Saturday in his prison cell. He was 64.

Milosevic, who suffered chronic heart ailments and high blood pressure, apparently died of natural causes and was found in his bed, the U.N. tribunal said, without giving an exact time of death.
Oh, Woe. They hadn't found him guilty yet? They hadn't even completed the evidence presentation. How ever will they write their books? Look at all those poor international law lawers and judges out of work now? How ever wil *guffaw*

Damnit I was this close to finishing it with a straight face too.
Why is there no karma rule in the world that determines that, when one shitty politician dies, all the rest should go too?
I can't think of a reason, but I'm sure some Hildebeast supporter will be by anytime now to tell us why.
I think we should all stop voting...get rid of politicians once and for all (if we don't vote for them, they have no reason to exist, no?)
Just for fodder...was Slobodan killed by the UN for making them look life fools? (not that that is especially difficult)