Time to buy a new compass.


Well-Known Member
Magnetic Polar Shifts Causing Massive Global Superstorms

Superstorms can also cause certain societies, cultures or whole countries to collapse. Others may go to war with each other.

Forget about global warming—man-made or natural—what drives planetary weather patterns is the climate and what drives the climate is the sun's magnetosphere and its electromagnetic interaction with a planet's own magnetic field.

I wonder how this is going to affect my garden this year.
It wasn't for crap last year.:crying7:
The scary part is, man has never experienced this, when the magnetosphere is in flux, we are vulnerable to solar radiation. People will worry about cell phones...we should be worried about our cell structure.
I've been saying, and heard others say (scientist in the field) since
y2k that the whole electrical infrastructure needs to be fixed to
protect against EMPs, whether from nature, or man.
Our electric co. here has made significant improvements in just the
last 5 years, and are ahead of many other companies, but
the way it's all tied together, they would still be at least partially affected.
Not to even get into the electronics field.

I'm hoping we've got at least a few sats that are protected so there will be
some form of communication. (emergence broadcast or something).

Compared to electromagnetics, there is no other real threat.
(in this day and age)
300,000 years is a long time

The Salem News article is pure 100% unadulterated bunk!

and so is your mom
In this particular event, ain't nothing we can do

maybe not now, since apparently all that moneys appropriated the first time
for infrastructure was mostly pissed away it seems.

That amount of money allotted should have been enough to revamp most
of the infrastructure in this whole country.
Where did it wind up? I'm guessing spread out all overseas, and in special interest pockets.
maybe not now, since apparently all that moneys appropriated the first time
for infrastructure was mostly pissed away it seems.

That amount of money allotted should have been enough to revamp most
of the infrastructure in this whole country.
Where did it wind up? I'm guessing spread out all overseas, and in special interest pockets.

you mean all the recent stimulus monies that were for marked for infrastructure? i'd be curious to see a breakdown, as i'm sure you would be. backed up by reports on the relative progress of projects. off to google...
meh, somewhat recent I guess. It's relative. It was almost two years ago wasn't it?

Yeah, a breakdown would be good seeing as they say it's all gone.
(with just some signs and patch projects to show for it, it seems)
yeah, right, because of the age of it there should by now be evidence of fruit. so if they sent 500 million to new jersey for "scum removal" a year ago, let's see those freshly scrubbed sea gulls. and feed them rolaids.
ok, let's forget the 'age'.
The money is gone.
If they knew it wasn't going to go that far, they should have been up front about it, at least.
ok, let's forget the 'age'.
The money is gone.
If they knew it wasn't going to go that far, they should have been up front about it, at least.

yes, gone, the money has been spent. or at least allocated in the spending schedule.

if they knew it wasn't going to go that far? how far has it gone? or are you just assuming it has been totally pissed away, because it's obamus?
yes, gone, the money has been spent. or at least allocated in the spending schedule.

if they knew it wasn't going to go that far? how far has it gone? or are you just assuming it has been totally pissed away, because it's obamus?

Oh, is it Obama's?
I though it was for the people's infrastructure.
If it isn't gone, why were they asking for more?