time to nuke them chinese

what they are doing is balls. they are trying to dominate the future of an industry by questionable means. is there much more to it than that?
yeah, too bad our corporate capitalist heroes were too much of pussies to rebuild real industries here. pretty soon, RM, the only jobs here for working stiffs like you and gonz will be low grade services. i've even heard there's plans to remove the teeth of the proles, so they don't hurt anybody's pee pee in their likely future roles.
Time to get them Chinese to build us another railroad.

Fact is the kinky chinky ChiComs have
far more to fear than we ever would.
The prosperity they are experiencing is
solely due to the west. Their teaming billions
want cars, microwave ovens and fast internet
so what if they buy our debt It's all freakin'
unsecured anyway! How long would it take for
Japan to re-arm and kick their asses again?
The Rooskies would beat them down if the
opportunity arose. They weren't called
'the sick man of Asia' for nuthin'. Paper Tiger
they ain't even that. Their history is one of being
conquered and kicked around not taking over
anyone else. Nuclear exchange hah that would
be over before it started, crap they can't even
take back Taiwan!

Owww I'm so afraid of China, Not!
yeah yeah... i think it's a little more complicated than your kneejerk answer.

Are we supposed to write a multi-page thesis every time we engage you? My remark provides the answer & it's quick.
Are we supposed to write a multi-page thesis every time we engage you? My remark provides the answer & it's quick.

only that's not the answer. it's just another blah blah stupid liberals have ruined everything. :crying6: