will you go to further your agenda?
This is a synopsis put out by group A today
This is the short truth
This is the rest of the story:
The group that illegally obtained Dr Atkins autopsy files is
Ok, so they have an agenda against high fat diets you say.
Wrong obese meat eater Kenobi. This group is a front for our pals & fellow believers in law & order, PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals)
Can we shoot them NOW?
This is a synopsis put out by group A today
NEW YORK (AP) - The debate over Dr. Robert Atkins' popular high-fat, low-carb diet flared posthumously Tuesday when it was learned that Atkins himself was a bloated 258 pounds at his death.
A city medical examiner's report filed after Atkins' 2003 death from a fall showed the 6-foot doctor was at a weight normally considered obese. A physicians group that is highly critical of the diet released details of the report, claiming the Atkins diet led to weight and heart troubles for its 72-year-old creator.
The medical examiner's report also noted that Atkins had a history of heart trouble, including congestive heart failure and high blood pressure.
This is the short truth
Atkins weighed 195 pounds when he was admitted, the group's chairman said.
The Atkins Physicians Council said the carbohydrate-shunning doctor gained more than 60 pounds through fluid retention in the eight days he spent in a coma before dying last April. He had slipped on an icy street and hit his head.
This is the rest of the story:
The group that illegally obtained Dr Atkins autopsy files is
.Physicians for Responsible Medicine, the group that released the report and promotes a vegetarian diet
Ok, so they have an agenda against high fat diets you say.
Wrong obese meat eater Kenobi. This group is a front for our pals & fellow believers in law & order, PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals)
Can we shoot them NOW?